Some players implement the "No Right of Inspection" rules (A2.9 and A12.16) by adding a HIPped "?" counter below the top counter of a stack. This has the effect of (a) leaving the top counter unconcealed, (b) concealing all the counters below the top one, and (c) without increasing the number of visible counters in the stack.
This seems to me to be an entirely workable way of implementing the rule and preventing inadvertently scrolling over a stack and having its contents pop up in the Hex Viewer when they should not be known to the opponent.
Workable but perhaps a bit laborious. I have been asked if I could implement an automated approach.
Here are my first thoughts about how to do it. Quite doable from a coding perspective but I would like to make sure the game mechanics would be helpful . . .
1. Add a version of each nationalities' ? counter to the "?" Panel for that nationality, replacing the "7 Morale" text with "No ROI". Players could drag-drop it onto stacks, position it and HIP it. No real change from current situation. So in addition to that:
2. Add a "Add ROI" menu item to virtually every unit/gun/veh in the game (this is very easy to do).
3. The item would have a submenu of two items "This stack" and "All Friendly stacks".
4. When wishing to apply No ROI, players would right-click on the top counter of a stack regardless of the type of counter (EXC: information and terrain counters) and select one of the "Add ROI" options.
5. These two items would do four things following that selection with no further clicks required: (a) create the No ROI counter at the top of the stack; (b) select the counter and move it down one counter in the stack; (c) HIP the counter; and (4) conceal all units below the No ROI counter. If the "All Friendly stacks" item was chosen, it would iterate through all the stacks on the map, looking for those "owned" by the player and comprising two or more counters. It should probably test for ? stacks and ignore them.
6. The NoROI counter would have a menu item "Remove No ROI" and two sub options, "This stack" and "All Friendly Stacks", which would delete the "No ROI" counter from one or all friendly stacks, thereby removing the ? from the counters below it.
This would give players the flexibility to just No ROI a couple of stacks one by one or to No ROI everyone and then undo some individually as necessary. It would not change the visible appearance of a non-extended stack.
What do you think?
A12.16 begins: "If a stack is not concealed after play begins (2.9), the opposing player may inspect its contents - unless the stack is out of the LOS of all of his Good Order ground units, . . . ". My read is that nothing in the rules permits a free LOS check for No ROI removal so an automated test along the lines of HIP Fortification is not appropriate here. Do I have this right?
Any suggestions for improvement? I should be able to get this into 6.6.9 if would be helpful.
This seems to me to be an entirely workable way of implementing the rule and preventing inadvertently scrolling over a stack and having its contents pop up in the Hex Viewer when they should not be known to the opponent.
Workable but perhaps a bit laborious. I have been asked if I could implement an automated approach.
Here are my first thoughts about how to do it. Quite doable from a coding perspective but I would like to make sure the game mechanics would be helpful . . .
1. Add a version of each nationalities' ? counter to the "?" Panel for that nationality, replacing the "7 Morale" text with "No ROI". Players could drag-drop it onto stacks, position it and HIP it. No real change from current situation. So in addition to that:
2. Add a "Add ROI" menu item to virtually every unit/gun/veh in the game (this is very easy to do).
3. The item would have a submenu of two items "This stack" and "All Friendly stacks".
4. When wishing to apply No ROI, players would right-click on the top counter of a stack regardless of the type of counter (EXC: information and terrain counters) and select one of the "Add ROI" options.
5. These two items would do four things following that selection with no further clicks required: (a) create the No ROI counter at the top of the stack; (b) select the counter and move it down one counter in the stack; (c) HIP the counter; and (4) conceal all units below the No ROI counter. If the "All Friendly stacks" item was chosen, it would iterate through all the stacks on the map, looking for those "owned" by the player and comprising two or more counters. It should probably test for ? stacks and ignore them.
6. The NoROI counter would have a menu item "Remove No ROI" and two sub options, "This stack" and "All Friendly Stacks", which would delete the "No ROI" counter from one or all friendly stacks, thereby removing the ? from the counters below it.
This would give players the flexibility to just No ROI a couple of stacks one by one or to No ROI everyone and then undo some individually as necessary. It would not change the visible appearance of a non-extended stack.
What do you think?
A12.16 begins: "If a stack is not concealed after play begins (2.9), the opposing player may inspect its contents - unless the stack is out of the LOS of all of his Good Order ground units, . . . ". My read is that nothing in the rules permits a free LOS check for No ROI removal so an automated test along the lines of HIP Fortification is not appropriate here. Do I have this right?
Any suggestions for improvement? I should be able to get this into 6.6.9 if would be helpful.