two are complete...loons..and freaks in the defense of anything seen as "critical" comment regarding SES. (SES attack
The reason the post may come accross as offensive, is you are actually being and have been offensive all along. (we/I learn from previous experience) Sometimes your arguments are just so..."narrow" in focus of defense of anything in regard to SES products or it's SES practices, its absurd. They are almost always some form of a personal attack, which then returned, you act insulted. (boohoo) Followed again by more personnel attacks and attempts to berate someone for what you instigated in the first place.
1. SES does not adhere strictly to history (again its a game). It does finess the situation to make a "game". The example given is again ignored as is all others examples. The room 40 and US ships are deviations of history. SES makes games. It would make a better "game" if they didn't listen to the dogma that is nothing more than an extreme fantanical niche. It give them a very narrow customer field.
Your statement is completely your view and not fact. Get over the SES only does historical tripe. It just isn't accurate.
AH made great games and YES! I had the Roon and York as alternate counters. You could start other positions, in fact you could free form the whole thing and make it any year with any counters you wanted..OMG...there just is NO similiarity. AH Jutland has emense flexibility compare to SES Jutland. AH Jutland I "STILL" own and no it doesn't have DRM. It is much more flexible in many ways. The Jutland player comunity (customers, you remember those) created a whole series of counters and scenerios...wonder why and they weren't historical..OMG what happened there? Perhaps most people like the alternative and the options would be more popular?
You see only one way to play and your focus is on this idea "fantasy" you are recreating "actual" history. Listening to you two is like at a game confernance and two nerds are arguing over the effectiveness of light saber models when neither model actually exists!There is many of us that do not get to that level of "belief", but rather just enjoy a good game with a historical reference or background. The contstant attacks on people who would like more options and less of the historical dogma from SES show you two are in panic at the thought and are only hurting SES with the fanatical dogma.
2. Saddletank you are describing yourself. Not me. I'm giving what should be "contructive" feedback of what would make me and probably many other players happy. The fact you are once again making it personnel and attacking everyone on this board who might have a critical view or issue with SES, makes you the hypocritical anolmoly. You are in fact more of instigator here than a moderator. I'm not sure why you are here except as an SES attack goon.
3. Ditto, but probably too late as your moderator status is forever damaged with me.
See 1 and see the original post (you seem to not actually read content of most posts). The post was a discussion about the "1915 campaign game", not the scenerio editor. The "original" point (ignored) is the german side (of two sides) didn't get much in the 1915 campaign which limits the campaign game value since the german side probably needed the most options and diversity. Add all the ships you want to the RN it doesn't help the game playability 'and fun" of the 1915 campaign. All this personal attacks and changing the discussion isn't going to change that.
Your example is ridiculous. Observation that the game might be more fun with inclusion of AC built in 1905 and of historical context of the time, to a wacky statement of stuff built in the 70's and 90's just shows how "narrow" and "stuck" your historical dogma viewponts really are.
The end result is I made a "critical" observation for improvement, was again attacked by the board SES monkeys. You are hurting SES far more than helping them. The end result is that I'll probably never play the 1915 campaign again as it just doesn't have enough to offer. When I do play, I'll go back to the 1916 campaign.
Now was that worth all the fuss for a simple opinion that it would be nice to have an option of more "historical" ships in the 1915 campaign? It would have increased the value of the released ship pack.