Oberst Balck
After playing RB countless times I thought I would tell some of my sick Russian tactics at night .....
I'm pretty sure non of this is illegal so please tell me if it is....
1) The " Ohh my God look at all that smoke !!! " trick...
This was my first forray into my maliday. If you are fortunate enough to have good weather and a mild breeze drop a smoke barrage on the unsuspecting sods. Wait until the barrage drifts and human wave or just normal CC it. The Germnan WILL NOT be able to respond until CC.
+4 hindrance for being in smoke hex ( +3+ 1) and +2 for the other drifting smoke = +6 No LOS.....
The other beautiful thing about this is even if he does get starshells , they will be of no help either.
Number 2 is even sicker and I think I should see a doctor. Burn him where he stands.
Again mild breeze and good EC's ( dry !!) help. Here you manouver troops to start fires upwind of the German out of NVR, or even better out of LOS completely. This way you also save your ? counters < it's soo great to be a Russian> .Such things as in other buildings or in blind spots are where to start them. Eventually the blaze will reach the No Move hexes of your German. He has no option but to break and rout 1 hex.
Due to the unfavourable effects of HAVING to rally to remove the DM ( trying to is not enough) you should be able to use sewer movement or human wave to finish the singed german off.
I am at present using both these methods and believe me -- they work.
Strashviskia !!
The bad bad Russian
After playing RB countless times I thought I would tell some of my sick Russian tactics at night .....
I'm pretty sure non of this is illegal so please tell me if it is....
1) The " Ohh my God look at all that smoke !!! " trick...
This was my first forray into my maliday. If you are fortunate enough to have good weather and a mild breeze drop a smoke barrage on the unsuspecting sods. Wait until the barrage drifts and human wave or just normal CC it. The Germnan WILL NOT be able to respond until CC.
+4 hindrance for being in smoke hex ( +3+ 1) and +2 for the other drifting smoke = +6 No LOS.....
The other beautiful thing about this is even if he does get starshells , they will be of no help either.
Number 2 is even sicker and I think I should see a doctor. Burn him where he stands.
Again mild breeze and good EC's ( dry !!) help. Here you manouver troops to start fires upwind of the German out of NVR, or even better out of LOS completely. This way you also save your ? counters < it's soo great to be a Russian> .Such things as in other buildings or in blind spots are where to start them. Eventually the blaze will reach the No Move hexes of your German. He has no option but to break and rout 1 hex.
Due to the unfavourable effects of HAVING to rally to remove the DM ( trying to is not enough) you should be able to use sewer movement or human wave to finish the singed german off.
I am at present using both these methods and believe me -- they work.
Strashviskia !!
The bad bad Russian