Member #86
My wife & I have our "second set" of characters inside Moria now and are racing thru it. (I have a lot of alts I play solo)
That is to say we're only doing the Epic Quest Line & any quests that fall directly along the path to completing the Epics.
Or as she said, "I'm not spending a second longer than I have to in that dreary place when Lothlorien is on the other side." :hurray:
So, I now have an Elvish character telling all the dwarves, "It's not my problem you clean the vermin from your own house."
Which is funny as my dwarvish character has been telling that to all the hobbits, humans & elves on his way TO Moria.
My dwarf character is having fun killing everything that moves in the Black Pit. :bite:
This is now my 8th character to enter Moria, 4 did their duty & time inside, 2 came to screeching halts inside it's foreboding walls, 1 is having a blast hammering his way around and 1 is now racing thru it before it becomes too suffocating.
I'll admit it will be nice to get thru Moria quickly with this alt & skip all the running around & killing mutated orcs...
It is rather fun playing each character with a different outlook and attitude on how they view their role & participation in the war vs. Sauron.
My wife has one character that fell in love with the Shire & retired there to be a full time farmer... (ok she decided she just didn't like playing as a Captain & quit playing it- but I like my story better
Anyone else playing their characters as distinct individuals?
That is to say we're only doing the Epic Quest Line & any quests that fall directly along the path to completing the Epics.
Or as she said, "I'm not spending a second longer than I have to in that dreary place when Lothlorien is on the other side." :hurray:
So, I now have an Elvish character telling all the dwarves, "It's not my problem you clean the vermin from your own house."
Which is funny as my dwarvish character has been telling that to all the hobbits, humans & elves on his way TO Moria.
My dwarf character is having fun killing everything that moves in the Black Pit. :bite:
This is now my 8th character to enter Moria, 4 did their duty & time inside, 2 came to screeching halts inside it's foreboding walls, 1 is having a blast hammering his way around and 1 is now racing thru it before it becomes too suffocating.
I'll admit it will be nice to get thru Moria quickly with this alt & skip all the running around & killing mutated orcs...
It is rather fun playing each character with a different outlook and attitude on how they view their role & participation in the war vs. Sauron.
My wife has one character that fell in love with the Shire & retired there to be a full time farmer... (ok she decided she just didn't like playing as a Captain & quit playing it- but I like my story better
Anyone else playing their characters as distinct individuals?