Copied from the AAR section (hoping to draw some more eyes to what are (partly) rules questions):
Scenario WO15 (Liberation Day) is set in January 1944, and the Germans have three PzIV J's, but in the GERMAN VEHICLE RARITY FACTOR CHART that AFV is not available until June 1944. So that seems odd. What makes it more odd is that the sN (Nahverteidigungswaffe, Snoogiewoofer), according to A11.622, is in use from July 1944 onwards, at least as a CC weapon.
So: 1. should the J's be in the scenario in the first place (or should they be H's?). 2. And if their presence is ok, what about the sN? Should it not be available at all (cause it's not yet July?)? Or should it be usable just as Smoke dispenser (not as a CC weapon)? Or should it be fully usable (for Smoke and CC)?
Scenario WO15 (Liberation Day) is set in January 1944, and the Germans have three PzIV J's, but in the GERMAN VEHICLE RARITY FACTOR CHART that AFV is not available until June 1944. So that seems odd. What makes it more odd is that the sN (Nahverteidigungswaffe, Snoogiewoofer), according to A11.622, is in use from July 1944 onwards, at least as a CC weapon.
So: 1. should the J's be in the scenario in the first place (or should they be H's?). 2. And if their presence is ok, what about the sN? Should it not be available at all (cause it's not yet July?)? Or should it be usable just as Smoke dispenser (not as a CC weapon)? Or should it be fully usable (for Smoke and CC)?