Oberst Hausser
Can pre reg hexes be corrected after initial strike??
In fact, there is nothing in that rule that's says they cannot which means that I've been wrong for a long time.
Oh well. I remember a player that thought the Russians had to roll for sewer movement, which I'm sure stuffed up those games.
1.73 PRE-REGISTERED FIRE: Pre-Registered Fire may be used only if allowed by SSR or DYO-purchase (H1.53), and only if that battery's Observer starts the game onboard or is an Offboard Observer (1.63; E7.6). Prior to the start of the opponent's setup, that Observer's owner may secretly record ≥ one (as determined by SSR or DYO-purchase) target hex as that battery's Pre-Registered hex(es). A battery with Pre-Registered Fire capability also receives an extra black chit in its Battery Access Draw Pile (1.211). If that Observer has both Battery Access and a LOS to any non-Aerial Location in a Pre-Registered hex of that battery, the following rules apply (Pre-Registered Fire has no additional effect):
1.733 Pre-Registered Fire may be used with any type of Fire Mission [EXC: only as per E12.71 for Creeping Barrage], but is always limited to the specific Observer and battery (not radio or field phone) that start the scenario with such capabilities.
In fact, there is nothing in that rule that's says they cannot which means that I've been wrong for a long time.
Oh well. I remember a player that thought the Russians had to roll for sewer movement, which I'm sure stuffed up those games.
1.73 PRE-REGISTERED FIRE: Pre-Registered Fire may be used only if allowed by SSR or DYO-purchase (H1.53), and only if that battery's Observer starts the game onboard or is an Offboard Observer (1.63; E7.6). Prior to the start of the opponent's setup, that Observer's owner may secretly record ≥ one (as determined by SSR or DYO-purchase) target hex as that battery's Pre-Registered hex(es). A battery with Pre-Registered Fire capability also receives an extra black chit in its Battery Access Draw Pile (1.211). If that Observer has both Battery Access and a LOS to any non-Aerial Location in a Pre-Registered hex of that battery, the following rules apply (Pre-Registered Fire has no additional effect):
1.733 Pre-Registered Fire may be used with any type of Fire Mission [EXC: only as per E12.71 for Creeping Barrage], but is always limited to the specific Observer and battery (not radio or field phone) that start the scenario with such capabilities.