K this is were we can keep all info and work on the design of Pistols at dawn. Dont wanna see nothing but design so we can keep track of all of are work.
But when designing anything keep al this in mind: http://www.enterbrain.co.jp/tkool/RPG_XP/eng/material.html
Use this if you want
All ideas will be put in this 1st post so its easier to find
Dark soars charcacter concept:
PSP RULES!!!! Mini game concept:
Hayec044's Characters concept
Guardian x's 3rd logo concept:
Azuras Female Character concept:
Azuras Male character concept:
PSP RULES 2nd logo concept:
PSP RULES Logo concept:
PSP RULES Police concept:
PSP RULES Main charater concept:
But when designing anything keep al this in mind: http://www.enterbrain.co.jp/tkool/RPG_XP/eng/material.html
Use this if you want

All ideas will be put in this 1st post so its easier to find
Dark soars charcacter concept:

PSP RULES!!!! Mini game concept:

Hayec044's Characters concept

Guardian x's 3rd logo concept:

Azuras Female Character concept:

Azuras Male character concept:

PSP RULES 2nd logo concept:

PSP RULES Logo concept:

PSP RULES Police concept:

PSP RULES Main charater concept: