Pegasus Bridge CGI AAR


Jul 2, 2009
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Huntersville, NC
Just finished scenario 1 of the Pegasus Bridge CG. Night I did not go well for the Germans - everything fell apart, especially the troops. Scenario ended after British Turn 6, saving the Germans from a total route.

The German commander setup Trenches in W21, X16, and Z21 and Wire in W21, X16, and X21. A HS set up in X20 with the gun crew to protect it. Z20 had a 436, LMG, and 8-0 leader to cover that side of the road. A HIP 436 was setup in W21 to run around the British rear area if possible. A second HIP 436 w/ MMG and 8-1 leader was setup in the Cafe' Gondree (X18) to slow the British coming across the bridge with the help of a 436 w/ LMG in the Cafe' Picot (Z17).

The British commander was aggressive and landed adjacent to the bridge (Y21) and adjacent to the pillbox (AA22 and BB21). One glider missed its ILH (BB21) and fell short into AA22. The Y21 glider crashed, killing a perfectly good 8-1 leader and halving a squad to boot. Things quickly turned around when the massive firegroup in AA22 unleashed it's fury at the dummies in the pillbox. Similarly, the remaining troops in Y21 broke up the German crew and HS in X20. In the first player turn, the British had cleared most of the eastern side of the bridge.

Game turn 2 saw the British clearing the remaining locations east of the bridge except a trench in W21 where a HS was caught up on the wire. The British advanced into CC in Z20 (where a leader and squad were still hiding) and the Germans withdrew from CC successfully (without casualties) into Y21. From there they ran away, were broken in DFPh, and ran away some more. [Since the leader was in Good Order and the squad was disrupted, it opened up an interesting question of Infantry Overrun - which didn't happen.]

Game turn 3 saw the British taking the bridge and gaining some concealment, but nothing much beyond that.

Game turns 4 and 5 had the British crossing the bridge and establishing a foothold on the other side (read, seizing strategic locations). The MMG and LMG in X18 and Z17, respectivly, did little to deter the British from crossing the bridge. The Germans ended up all broken (except the leaders) and could offer no resistance. A German HS hid in a trench under the wire in X16, but was ambushed and eliminated (despite being concealed and the British were CX on wire). The German player rallied one squad in Z13 and moved them upstairs to take a pot shot at the stack of British in X16 trying to get under the wire.

Game turn 6 had the British seizing a few more Strategic Locations further from the bridge, but failing to capture the important Z13 location (still firmly in German control). Fortunately for the German player, the scenario ended there.

During the Refit Phase, the Germans successfully escaped from east of the bridge to Le Port (dice are strange things). Also the Germans abandoned Z13 so that the conscripts could do something more important (like dig foxholes). Hopefully they will be able to take it back in Night II.

Here is a look at the map during the RePh. Blue hexes are German Strategic locations, Blue hashing is the German Setup Area. Red hexes are British Strategic Locations, Red hashing is the British Setup Area. Yellow hashing is No Man's Land.
View attachment 30166

Night II is set for either later this week or early next week.

Bob Miller

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2005
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llUnited States
Great game and write up. Looking forward to following this CG for the duration. A glider crashed and caused casualties but the Brit's stiff upper lip plays thru that challenge. Does the German player still have his MMG? That's a bytch when in falls into the Ox & Buck's hands.

It's been a while since I played this. Next is the British expansion night attack and then followed by the German night counter? Or is it the other way around? Three night sessions total, or is there four night sessions.


Minister of Propaganda
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
llUnited States
I too love this CG, though have not had a chance to play it yet. Great AAR and please keep them up. :)


Canadian Dude

Malicious Maniac
Jul 4, 2006
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Canada, eh
Great game and write up. Looking forward to following this CG for the duration. A glider crashed and caused casualties but the Brit's stiff upper lip plays thru that challenge. Does the German player still have his MMG? That's a bytch when in falls into the Ox & Buck's hands.

It's been a while since I played this. Next is the British expansion night attack and then followed by the German night counter? Or is it the other way around? Three night sessions total, or is there four night sessions.
Next date will have Le Port wake up and try and "attack" the British. This occasionally just ends up as a german blood bath. The Brits will gain an addition 2.5 squads and SWs + Leader.

After the German Counter attack (Night II) will come the real British attack as the brits will be able to set up some 16 odd new squads. That will be Night III.

After that the night games will be over and the Germans will be on the attack in the Dawn date.

Sucks that the date ended on turn 6. Currently playing this CG and I went as for as to take the school house, the surrounding buildings and dig some groovy foxeholes.

- The Canadian Dude
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Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Huntersville, NC
Does the German player still have his MMG? That's a bytch when in falls into the Ox & Buck's hands.

It's been a while since I played this. Next is the British expansion night attack and then followed by the German night counter? Or is it the other way around? Three night sessions total, or is there four night sessions.
The German player managed to escape with all three MGs (two LMG and the MMG), but only two squads (of conscripts). One of the leaders lost his squad (Broke, CR, CR) and picked up the MMG and escaped in the night. It is an odd feeling to have more MG or more leaders than squads remaining.

The next scenario is Night II - the German counterattack. The German player will try to isolate the bridge so that the British player will have to cross his Night III reinforcements across the bridge. Anything to slow down the Night III expansion.


Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Huntersville, NC
Just finished Night 2 of the Pegasus Bridge Campaign Game. Night 2 did not go well for the British. [In both Night 1 and Night 2 the defender felt the scenario couldn't end quickly enough and the attacker wished there was just one more movement phase.]

The Germans set up a three pronged attack, one prong along each of the major roads to the bridge. I'll call them North, South, and West for clarity. The North and South groups had one tank in support of the infantry and the West group had two tanks in support of the infantry.

The Germans struck hard and fast. Turn 1 saw the Germans advance aggressively from the North and South groups, entering the outermost British perimeter buildings. The North tank ran into a bit of trouble with some AT mines on the dirt road, which immobilized it. The North infantry entered the outermost building to discover a HIP squad, which they quickly dispatched. The South group likewise entered the outermost building, but was held in melee (for the next 4 turns). The West group moved more slowly and reoccupied the previously vacated building at the end of the street.

Turns 2 and 3 saw the West group slowly crawl forward, one building at a time. The South group was stalled (tank immobilized from ESB and infantry held in melee) and the North group held it's ground (breaking, rallying, breaking). With two tanks immobilized the German player was cautious with his armor, but not careful enough - a HIP unit with a PIAT on the 1st level of a building landed a critical hit, lighting up the night.

Turn 4 saw a retreat of the British forces opposing the West attack group. The British ran down the hill from their trenches and into the South infantry melee. A pot-shot AFPh shot into the melee broke two German squads and a British leader. Though broken, both the German squads and the leader escaped melee unharmed. A German HS held two British squads in melee.

Turn 5 had the Germans running full-on toward the Bridge. The British only had 2 HS (1 broken), 1 FS (broken), and 3 leaders (2 broken, all wounded) to oppose the Germans [plus two FS held in melee]. German troops closed with the FS and 3 leaders, engaged in CC and wiped them out. Another AFPh pot-shot, this time with a German PF, nuked the never-ending melee hex with a critical hit giving a 5KIA result. Germans advanced to claim the entire bridge, but couldn't get across.

Turn 6 saw the British player holding out with 1 HS against the Germans coming across the bridge. During the German player turn, the HS blocked German movement but paid with its life. The Germans advanced onto the east entry hex of the bridge, overstacked and poised for turn 7. British turn 6 was quick - no Rally, no Prep Fire, no Movement, no D-fire, no Adv-Fire, no Route, no Advances, no CC - roll to end scenario = scenario over.

Though the German player wiped out every British unit (two squads were retained as walking wounded), he was unable to capture the important strategic locations on the east end of the bridge. Next up, the British will setup on the east end of the bridge (instead of entering on Z28 as the German player would have liked) and we'll watch the massacre go the other way.

Below is the RePh map showing each side's setup areas. Blue is for the Germans, Red is for British, and Yellow is no-man's land. The map is marked to indicate strategic locations (FH=foxhole, Trench=Trench, Gun=50L ATG, Glider=Gliders). The surviving Conscripts from Night 1 were used as diggers to generate foxholes linking setup areas together. Col Klink was put in charge of starshell duty (to keep them from straying).
View attachment 30209

Bob Miller

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2005
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llUnited States
Impressive German counter. Plus they have those foxholes dug in the valley to connect the two towns. Good strategy. Looks like fun. Wonder what the British objective will be for this next battle?

Rule item unless I read it wrong. PF affects only one unit in a location via random selection. Maybe you guys Yatzeed the random selection?


Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Huntersville, NC
Rule item unless I read it wrong. PF affects only one unit in a location via random selection. Maybe you guys Yatzeed the random selection?
Good catch. After 12 years of playing I still miss the basics....

C3.74 says that the CH will effect one unit in the hex (random selection), not everyone. So the PF hits everyone, but only those randomly selected receive the CH. That hex had two British squads and a German halfsquad that were blown away.

Bob Miller

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2005
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llUnited States
Even more to this. Read C13.31 that carries over to page C22. About the 8 lines down. The sentence that begins "As a one-shot weapon...................................."

Make sure you boys post intended strategy and what the German player purchases for the CG battles. This will be my CG reading for the summer.


Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Huntersville, NC
Even more to this. Read C13.31 that carries over to page C22. About the 8 lines down. The sentence that begins "As a one-shot weapon...................................."
...And after 12 years I'm still learning the finer points of the game too. I never knew that (although I probably have read it multiple times, it never sunk in). Keep me honest Bob. :)

Make sure you boys post intended strategy and what the German player purchases for the CG battles. This will be my CG reading for the summer.
Will do. Right now we get together about once every other week to play the next scneario. So like the next book in a series, you'll have to wait to see what comes next. :)

As far as intended strategy:
Night I - British wanted to take as much territory as possible (including Z13 to divide the German setup areas). Germans wanted to hang on to as much territory as possible (including Z13 to connect his setup areas). It was pretty much a draw - the Germans held on to Z13, but it was isolated and so the German player moved everyone out of it for Night II.

Night II - Germans wanted to isolate the west side of the canal by taking one of the strategic locations that would make Y18 No-Man's Land. The British wanted to prevent this. This scenario went in favor of the Germans. The Germans not only isolated Y18, but secured all strategic locations on the west side of the canal (so now the British have to re-cross the bridge).

Night III should be similar to Night I - The British player will want to get across the Bridge and grab as much territory as possible since night is the best time to do it (and the Germans get reinforcements at Dawn). Hex Z13 is less critical now that the Germans have FHs connecting their setup areas. The German player will want to hold on to as much territory as possible under the withering fire of British 648s and 10-2 and 9-2 leaders.


Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Huntersville, NC
We started Night III yesterday, but didn't finish. The Gamer's Armory opened up its new store - we had to go see it. Nice place with lots of game tables. But anyhow, I digress.

The Germans setup to defend the bridge. One LMG was placed to lay a fire lane down the bridge. It was setup with a tank in hex to give them some cover. The three MMGs were placed in KK13 (exactly 12 hexes to the western bridge hex) with a 8-1 leader to interdict the bridge. HIP 447s were in Y21 and two in Y19 to slow down the British advance across the bridge. German strategy was to cost the British four or more turns to get across the bridge, then run away as fast as possible and hope the scenario ends. The units that broke during the first four turns were going to rout back, rally, and cover the other units running away as fast as possible (thus minimizing the British expansion). That didn't happen. Here's what did happen:

Turn 1 - The British bump into the HIP in Y21. The 447 breaks and ELRs then routs back to Y20 (where he dies in German turn 1). British position themselves to go across the bridge. Lost of starshells fired. Germans move to dig foxholes.

Turn 2 - British make it to Y19 before getting bumped by the HIPs there. One HIP is revealed, the other remains concealed. The revealed HIP blasts the British (as does the MMG stack), breaking or pinning everyone. British 10-2 with stack of 648s breaks a German squad guarding the immobilized tank. (That squad routs adjacent to a German leader.) German turn 2 sees the NVR go up to 3. The German player declines to rally his broken unit as it would now cost concealment to do so (and concealment is good when you're across the canal from 3x 648s each with a LMG and a 10-2 to direct them). German tanks are now within NVR of the bridge and open up with everything they have (37s + 2FP CMG). Eventually the British are broken on the bridge and have to rout back.

Turn 3 - British continue their push onto the bridge while pounding the west bank with as much firepower as possible. The two ex-HIP 447s in Y19 are toast (one gone outright, the other CRed and ELRed). The British make it to hex Y19. During the German player turn, the remaining guys guarding the bridge are eliminated. The Germans break up the British in Y19 (and some on Y20). The German player is able to shuffle freshly concealed troops into the "front line" positions on the west bank. So far the bridge is in British hands but they haven't made it across the bridge yet (only onto it).

Turn 4 (we only played up to British turn 4) - British units are broken up trying to cross the bridge and are now creating an overstacking bottleneck on the east shore. The Germans pound those few British troops remaining on the bridge until none remain (except a newly generated and wounded hero). Some British advance onto the bridge to keep the hero company (and prepare to cross in turn 5).

Here is the situation around the bridge as of the beginning of German turn 4 (we already did Rally before we realized that we needed to call it a day). It isn't great but it will give you an idea of where we are.
View attachment 30421
The Germans have a LMG under the tank in Y17 - that's the one that has been laying a fire lane along the bridge. The Germans have a sizable presence on the west side of the bridge, but it gets weaker every turn (especially with a 2 ELR). The "broken guys fall back and make a second line of defense" strategy has not worked at all - every German that has broken has either died or is still broken (mostly died).

Sniper fire has been odd - the British sniper has killed a broken HS (that was trying to run away but couldn't get away from the sniper) and pinned then broke a conscript HS the German player had assigned to foxhole duty. The German sniper has been quiet - only two activations, one landing on the 10-2 stack (breaking a squad, which then rallied) and the other landing on the 9-2 stack (wounding the 9-2).


Minister of Propaganda
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
llUnited States
This sounds like a pretty nasty fight. How are the British casualties? Will they Brits enough forces to expand a bridgehead, with the up and coming re-enforcements?

I own PB, but have not opened it yet (hope to play it soon though). From other AARs of PB I've read, I thought the Brits needed have a pretty secure bridgehead by Night III. Of course, I could be way wrong, but would love to hear a general opinion from each side on how they think they are doing. Not too much to give away FOW to the opposite side, of course. :)

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Martin Mayers

Forum Guru
Jul 29, 2008
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The Gulag
First name
...And after 12 years I'm still learning the finer points of the game too. I never knew that (although I probably have read it multiple times, it never sunk in). Keep me honest Bob. :)

Will do. Right now we get together about once every other week to play the next scneario. So like the next book in a series, you'll have to wait to see what comes next. :)

As far as intended strategy:
Night I - British wanted to take as much territory as possible (including Z13 to divide the German setup areas). Germans wanted to hang on to as much territory as possible (including Z13 to connect his setup areas). It was pretty much a draw - the Germans held on to Z13, but it was isolated and so the German player moved everyone out of it for Night II.

Night II - Germans wanted to isolate the west side of the canal by taking one of the strategic locations that would make Y18 No-Man's Land. The British wanted to prevent this. This scenario went in favor of the Germans. The Germans not only isolated Y18, but secured all strategic locations on the west side of the canal (so now the British have to re-cross the bridge).

Night III should be similar to Night I - The British player will want to get across the Bridge and grab as much territory as possible since night is the best time to do it (and the Germans get reinforcements at Dawn). Hex Z13 is less critical now that the Germans have FHs connecting their setup areas. The German player will want to hold on to as much territory as possible under the withering fire of British 648s and 10-2 and 9-2 leaders.
Your take on PB is, from my experience (3 full's my favourite CG) absolutely correct.
The Brits need to really get the roll on throughout the night scenarios....even night scenario II has to 'expand' the British position or at least hold.
Because when day comes the Germans will just become stronger and stronger...
And when the British reinforcements enter later on on the right flank the German multi fire lanes will chop them up.
It's an absolute gem of a campaign for me...I love it....9/10 (I rate Red Barricades about a 7 and ABTF about the same)


Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Huntersville, NC
This sounds like a pretty nasty fight. How are the British casualties? Will they Brits enough forces to expand a bridgehead, with the up and coming re-enforcements?
German casualties were high for Night I. The British eliminated almost the entire German bridge garrison. British casualties were high for Night II. The Germans were able to eliminate all British units in their counterattack (though four squads were retained as Walking Wounded). Casualties are favoring the British in Night III. The Germans have lost 5.5 squads so far (two have ELRed as well) and currently have three broken squads (all with 8-1 leaders). The British have lost a few squads to double-break (unfortunately they were the Walking Wounded squads, so no getting them back) and have (I think) two broken squads non-DM and under a 9-1 leader.

...but would love to hear a general opinion from each side on how they think they are doing. Not too much to give away FOW to the opposite side, of course. :)
Pegasus Bridge does not have conditions for which players can win a scenario. It's all or nothing for the CG. That being said, I can tell you how I feel about the scenarios.

As the German player, I was thoroughly knocked back during Night I. I felt that the British advances left me in a difficult position for Night II. If we had to declare a winner, I think the British player won Night I with no question. During Night II, I made a strong counterattack in an attempt to "make up" for the positional losses during Night I. This counterattack was successful beyond my expectations - therefore if I had to pick a winner for Night II, I would pick the Germans.

I find the casualties of Night III acceptable since I am currently keeping the British from crossing the bridge. My goal for Night III was to delay the British for four turns, then hold the expansion to a minimum. We are in German turn 4 now (bottom of the 4th) and the British are not across the bridge - therefore I feel like I am "winning" this scenario. I am just hoping that the high casualties I'm taking from the 10-2 and 9-2 leaders don't turn this scenario into a Pyrrhic victory.

The next scenario is Dawn. Much of my "containment" efforts this scenario are to prevent a large British expansion during the Dawn scenario while my reinforcements are still running down the street trying get in position. If I lose too many units during Night III, the British will have an easy expansion the first few turns of Dawn because my reinforcements have to enter from off-board. The British get two 57L AT guns at Dawn which will help him secure the bridge and expand his territory.

I will allow my opponent to comment on the British side of things since I cannot tell what he is thinking. [I do know that he is busy and may not have the opportunity to comment before our next game day.] I know that it will not take much for him to bounce back and come across the bridge (my forces that can bring guns to bear on the bridge are dwindling). If the scenario goes for 7 or 8 turns, then that gives him 3-4 more movement phases to establish a bridgehead on the west side of the canal. If it ends on turn 5, then he's only got one more movement phase to get across and claim strategic locations (which will likely be isolated). A lot will depend on when the scenario ends.

I don't think I said anything my opponent doesn't already know. We're finally getting into a scenario that isn't one-sided and I think further scenarios will be similar - moderate gains in territory with moderate losses of troops.


Dec 23, 2008
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llUnited States
I'm the British and things are going terribly. Every guy that steps on the bridge gets shot to pieces, and not by overwhelming odds shots. Then, it's a 30% chance the game will end on turn 5, and a 70% chance it will end before turn 7. I really don't think that's enough time to take a significant portion of the bridgehead. I'm pretty demoralized, especially after the comment about needing to hold the bridge during Night II in order to have a chance to win the CG. Oh well, we'll see what happens.


Minister of Propaganda
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
llUnited States
Make that PMC Talloaf, it'll be worth it!!

Thanks for analysis from each side. I really want to play this CG but need to finish VotG CGIV first (maybe by Jan 2011? :D ). But any PB AAR really perks my interest. I hope to use this info against a future opponent. :)


Bob Miller

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2005
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llUnited States
Yep, don't give this up. Stiff upper lip for the Brits. Beside I think the breakout to the Chataue (I hate spelling French words, why can't they speak English) is overrated. Just get into the schoolhouse and nearby buildings and defend them with your life. Make sure Howard is able to punch his way thru to the bridge when he finally enters (as that is a sudden death VC loss for the Brits if some of those guys can't exit) This is still undecided in my opinion. Keep it up and thanks for sharing.


Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
llUnited States
Sorry about my low morale. I had just had a motorcycle accident. Nothing serious, just skinned up and the ankle is a little swollen. Anyways, I'm gonna delay resuming our game a week so I can heal up.


Minister of Propaganda
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
llUnited States
Sorry to hear about the accident Talloaf. Get well soon. Maybe play some ASL while you're holed up to raise your spirits. :)



Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
North Texas
Great AAR, guys. I'm currently playing PB CGII ("Hold Until Relieved") with the SASL rules from The Boardgamer - a five-date action starting with the Dawn scenario and continuing through Day I, II, III and Dusk, so it's interesting to compare notes with the backstory leading up to this (very different SASL-style) engagement with Jerry.
Sorry about my low morale. I had just had a motorcycle accident. Nothing serious, just skinned up and the ankle is a little swollen. Anyways, I'm gonna delay resuming our game a week so I can heal up.
Sorry to hear about your accident, but definitely glad to know you rolled low on the Wound Severity dr. Hope you're on the mend and back up to full movement, leadership and morale level soon. :)