Game Turn 40 - Russian vs German A.I.
Curiosity killed the cat...

....I was not going to see the Russian perspective of this battle but eventually succumbed. I can see why my prior play as the Germans saw small 2 gun artillery batteries being so readily wiped out. Not to do a spoiler - the Russian artillery is much bigger and numerous .The rocket batteries can get good hits on German armour.
Russian Guards infantry divisions also make up for in mass what the Germans give out in smaller numbers and in better morale.
That said; the gameplay was a bit mediocre and not as tense as playing as the German side. Some German armour just played with the Russian defenders on the extreme southern flank in the east with no real purpose. The small , detached SS Kampfgruppen of Viking Panzer Division was also quickly rolled over by the Russian massed GDs infantry columns. The only real stubborn resistance from the Germans was at Kapitanovka ( as historically ) but that is slowly being whittled down.
I will stick to playing as the German side in future......for a better play experience...................Jawohl ! .
