As I see it, eBay and Walmart might as well be brothers.
It depends on who you ask, it depends on what one is expecting to get out of the experience.
Walmart is a godsend to mothers. Mothers tend to value the ability to purchase children's clothes for the lowest amount possible. Mothers usually have no choice in a world where you have to make 10 bucks go as far as 15.
But, we can sit here and post all about how Walmart pursues business practices sufficiently crappy, that ideally we should be trying to crush the business out of business.
eBay is the same.
I have a friend that makes a tidy income thanks to ebay. But he knows the score, and he knows he either plays the "game" or he gets screwed.
He has learned how to measure the EXACT weight of a parcel. He knows that to ship an item one way can mean he pays 5 bucks, or 2.50 another way (those are just explanatary sums).
He knows the shape counts. He knows that if you post it at a main postal office, you get a different response than if you drop it in mail box and just let the system have it.
He's sold MANY things through ebay, and knows, you can list them a dozen different ways. There are cheap routes and not cheap routes.
But through it all, eBay gets a cut, and only a total dope thinks eBay isn't going to place THEIR interests first. They are only interested in the law when they have no other option, otherwise, they just don't see able to "do anything" somehow.
eBay has such a well oiled machine, that it just works so well, that to go against the flow is just a waste of time and or energy.
The sad terrible truth, is any one of us wargamers could be selling 100% illegal copies of any damn thing we wanted through eBay, and chances are, there really nothing the law could do about it, if we kept it under control, and didn't try to be too greedy. Because, you only get swatted if you make the system scatch the itch eh. And that is not saying anything more than stating the bloody obvious.
Really, the only thing stopping me from doing what you have done Tom (create cool Up Front cards) is you did all the work to end up with the item, and I have not felt like doing the work.
I have a computer though, access to a scanner, I could do the research, generate cards, print them out, and presto be in a position to sell them too.
But I'm sure it took you a lot of time and effort.
I'd probably like to get the Panzer Leader counters I saw in those listings, but, I think I would want to know they were coming from the creator too.
Otherwise, I could always just take a hand at making some myself too.