Hi Kevin and John S,
Have another question for ya that is even more important. As I begin to figure out my attack plan as the Canadian, and reading several historical references covering this battle, I am extremely concerned.
In the designer notes, John writes:
"the Canadians, in order to survive the initial CG Day, would need to emply smoke liberally."
"crossing the open was problematic, requiring judicous use of smoke."
Yet, if either myself or my opponent rolls a 10 or greater during the rally phase weather roll (20%+ chance) rain will start eliminating all existing smoke and preventing further placement of it. This would have a HUGE impact on what is already a daunting task for the canadians! " Come on boys, only 2000 yards of open ground to cover with NO cover." :roll:
So, why not either of these SSRs to keep the play balance somewhat even:
1. Through turns 1-6, while overcast ignore weather rolls that create rain.
2. SMOKE can exist and be placed during rain.
You guys tweaked the mud rules to allow smoke, why not this?
Could you let me know what the playtest results were when it starting raining in those first 6 crucial turns? (ie, do I have a chance?)
This, combined with the possibility of the creeping barrages not starting on time (other thread) have me less than enthused to play this CG that I had been, up to now, been eager to play for a year.
Have another question for ya that is even more important. As I begin to figure out my attack plan as the Canadian, and reading several historical references covering this battle, I am extremely concerned.
In the designer notes, John writes:
"the Canadians, in order to survive the initial CG Day, would need to emply smoke liberally."
"crossing the open was problematic, requiring judicous use of smoke."
Yet, if either myself or my opponent rolls a 10 or greater during the rally phase weather roll (20%+ chance) rain will start eliminating all existing smoke and preventing further placement of it. This would have a HUGE impact on what is already a daunting task for the canadians! " Come on boys, only 2000 yards of open ground to cover with NO cover." :roll:
So, why not either of these SSRs to keep the play balance somewhat even:
1. Through turns 1-6, while overcast ignore weather rolls that create rain.
2. SMOKE can exist and be placed during rain.
You guys tweaked the mud rules to allow smoke, why not this?
Could you let me know what the playtest results were when it starting raining in those first 6 crucial turns? (ie, do I have a chance?)
This, combined with the possibility of the creeping barrages not starting on time (other thread) have me less than enthused to play this CG that I had been, up to now, been eager to play for a year.