Well, it is in the lster stages of playtesting. Primosole Bridge needs the most work at this point. The goal ist to have everything wrapped up by the end of October of this year.Now that TOTR is ready what's the status for the 4 Bridge module, covering Pegasus Primosole and Arnhem?. Curious how far it's progressed.
$$$$ ???It is one product that contains tree previously published HASLs (A Bridge too Far, Pegasus Bridge, and Primosole Bridge 2nd Editions) and one new HASL (Ponte Grande Bridge 1st Edition). Release will be up to MMP once playtesting has ben completed.
I hadn't checked on the used market ABtF prices for a long time, there's one copy on ebay...$$$$ ???
Having played the Primisole CG, I thought the CG was a date short for the Allies.Well, it is in the lster stages of playtesting. Primosole Bridge needs the most work at this point. The goal ist to have everything wrapped up by the end of October of this year.
MMP was basically giving them away at the end. I paid $25 for 5 ABtF in MMP's dents and dings sale. I gave them away over time to people who weren't willing/able to pay the exorbitant ebay prices. -- jimI paid between $200 - 250 Cdn for my punched copy years ago, I've always regretted not buying it when it was still in production (it was $90 if I remember correctly).
Given that, whatever price is put on the combined Bridges module will be a bargain.
ftfyRemember the old saying: If you have to ask, you can't afford it.
This doesn't apply to Advanced Squad Leader,in most cases.
Over 700 dollars?! This is beyond absurd! Just no! ‘Taint worth it.Another couple at Noble Knight:
I paid between $200 - 250 Cdn for my punched copy years ago, I've always regretted not buying it when it was still in production (it was $90 if I remember correctly).
Given that, whatever price is put on the combined Bridges module will be a bargain.
Well, that Canadian dollars, but still about $500 US.Over 700 dollars?! This is beyond absurd! Just no! ‘Taint worth it.
Back in the day, Canada joined the coalition against Iraq, pledging a destroyer, a squadron of aircraft, and a division of soldiers. When converted at the going exchange rate, that turned out to be a canoe, two Canada Geese, and a Mountie.Well, that Canadian dollars, but still about $500 US.
I prefer to buy used going forward. no more 'collecting'Well, that Canadian dollars, but still about $500 US.
I've always found Nobleknights used game prices borderline extortionist. I've never bought anything used from them.
Yeah, well... It's a shame Canada didn't pledge an AFV. That poor Mountie was dismounted. I'm confidently certain the exchange rate back then was: one MBT = one horse.Back in the day, Canada joined the coalition against Iraq, pledging a destroyer, a squadron of aircraft, and a division of soldiers. When converted at the going exchange rate, that turned out to be a canoe, two Canada Geese, and a Mountie.
I heard that they also have poutine in their MREs. Can anyone confirm?Back in the day, Canada joined the coalition against Iraq, pledging a destroyer, a squadron of aircraft, and a division of soldiers. When converted at the going exchange rate, that turned out to be a canoe, two Canada Geese, and a Mountie.