The Observer uses the tank's radios as if they were a SW radio [H1.461]. Use of a Radio is prep fire by the Observer [C1.6]. If an AFV/its PRC use prep fire, it may not move [D.3]. I don't believe that use of a radio would prevent other prep fire activity, e.g. firing other weapons.Does use of a radio by an observer in an OP tank prevent that tank from taking any other actions in Prep or Movement of that turn?
Per above using a radio would be Prep Fire, and per D2.4 a unit in Motion may not Prep.What about an OP Tank that starts its Turn in Motion?. Can it observe?. If allowed, it couldn´t move, then it´d be mandatory for it to stop, isn't it?.
As currently written i believe the rules allow an OP tank to perform OBA Observation actions during the DFPh when in Motion. It doesn't matter how it ended up in Motion, i.e. it need not be due to a Motion Attempt. Per my previous comment the OP-tank could not be used during the next PFPh, so the earliest it could perform more OBA Observer actions after the current DFPh would be in the DFPh of the following turn. As a practical matter in most cases this would not be especially useful unless the OBA module had a pre-registered hex. Because radio contact could not be rolled by a Motion tank in the PFPh, the DRM for maintaining contact [C1.22] would never apply in the following turns until the tank stopped. If the current mission landed out of LOS, the failure of the vehicle to roll radio in the PFPh would be voluntary loss of contact, and the mission would be cancelled with loss of card/chit.What happens if the OP Tank went Motion during the opponent MPh?. It can't move during this player turn, so is it allowed to observe?