ok, I'm assuming that when you load the templates program it is not throwing up any error massages regarding the location of your VASL module and or the location of VASSAL you are using. You will get a warning that things may not work if there is a VASSAL version mismatch, so far I haven't had any problems.
And that all the VASL/VASSAL/User templates settings are correct in the templates server settings and that you have installed the chromedriver.exe file and linked it via the Support programs in the server settings window.
I have my driver located here
C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chromedriver.exe
if any of that data is missing or pointing to the wrong folder the program won't work.
Note: the 'java' window in the support programs can be left blank.
Note that the VASL module link is to your 6.6.3 vmod (wherever you store your VASSAL Modules) but the 'VASL extensions' link is to the 6.6.3 mod in templates data folder.
Assuming all that is in place you should be able to create a template and the counter icons along with info from the backs of the counters will be usable in the template. If the counter has the information from the DYO section of the aslrb stored in a png file then a small snippet icon will appear to the right of the counter when it is loaded in the template.
when complete you can save your template as a .json file. from the dropdown menu and you can update a saved game file with the information on the template that you have just created from the same dropdown menu.
That will load everything and overlay it on the VASL saved game file. you can then move the blocks of info around as you would for any other overlay.
Alternatively you can just upload the counter and vehicle info as separate HTML snippets and paste them into a label text box.
I will say that I took a full day to get my head around how to work the program and start loading the output into a saved game file. I still struggle with the photo upload part of it TBH. but as noted earlier, unless the data is online only you will see the DYO output in your scenario. Counters and scenario info will be visible to all though.
The user notes are useful, but there is an assumption of a base level of familiarity with some of the terminology and HTML language, which I don't have so there was a fair bit of trial and error before I 'got it'.
One final point, try setting the image scaling at 100% in the user data settings, otherwise your snipped images may appear too small, subject to the resolution of your monitor