Doug Leslie
Elder Member
That's weird. As you say, I am sure that the counter takes priority there.Are you getting your information from VASL? I compared what VASL is saying for each one vs. theASLRB 2nd Edition, and the recently-released eASLRB:
I don't know where VASL is getting its data from, but unless there's some errata floating around somewhere (and it looks like there might be), I go by what's in the RB.Code:VASL ASLRB 2nd Ed. eASLRB Pz VIE A6(2)/5(3)/4(4) A6(2) A6(2) Pz IVH A5(2)/4(3)/3(4) A5(2) A5(2) StuG IIIG A6(2)/5(3)/4(4) A6(2) A6(2) T34 M43 A4(2)/5(3)/6(4)/7(5) A4(2) A4(2) KV-1 M42 A4(2)/5(3) A4(2) A4(2) SU-57(a) A5(3)/6(4)/7(5) A5(3) A5(3)
Good grief. I note that both RB's show the counter backs as having the extended APCR numbers, but the tables have the abbreviated ones. Which one takes priority? One would assume the counter, but is there some reason for this discrepancy?
Double-click on an AFV/Gun in the vasl-templates UI, and you can edit the various values, including setting Elite status.
Thanks for resolving the "elite" status issue.