A simple introduction is so hard to pull off...
20 yrs Married, father of 3 under 6, Go places eagles don't land and worms don't survive daily. 37 yrs young, bills paid, makin progress.
My gaming past.
Panzer Leader/SL/Basic DnD (redbook) <sedate summer vacations in gradeschool, never feel that way again I fear>
CoI/Expert DnD(blue)/CoD/ADnD 1st ED. <highschool was such a blur in Humboldt>
GIAV/ASL/BV/PT/Partisan/ <went stag to sophmore prom, next realization was bootcamp insane Diego>.
Got hip deep in DnD during 86-90 and lost all those Dragons I never archived... The AH stock was in a trunk under lock n key at home. Stayed that way till 2004. Dremeled bolster, and found peices of my past forgotten long ago. Last few yrs have made abortive attempts to begin again, (via VSQL, VASL, SoCalASL, SASL)
Abortive on my part, my blame alone. Life has been a bit hectik during this time, and I've been less than reliable during it in association with those listed above.
At this point? Not sure where I'm going. Just ordered ASLSK 1 n 2 frome Fine Games (Think this is my best bet to crowbar my way back in), Gembloux n Buckeyes last month from same (testing waters). working on CH mag 4.1, BdF, and SASLv2 from Alex Keyes (Unbeleivable inventory). Monster pack on way, and have feelers out on Fanpacks/DftB/SP peices...(did that sign just say "point of no return" back there?"
Ummm, mind puttin the cuffs back on now? afraid I might hurt
Long story short? Anything that you can pick up from 20 years in your past and actually make use of more than just for nostalgia's sake? must be worth keeping... maybe even useing.
Give me a year or two, (it will take at least that long just to read up through DB in the complete 10# V1 rulebook scored off Mr. Fine for $5 a #). I'll catch up, here for the long haul.
'EDIT' Hey Drew, you the same guy troll's the "ASL Comp." forum on CHMB I'm guessin? I try and keep an open mind about 3rd party producers of ASL esoterica...(thought Gembloux was well done), Even when warned again and again by those who have been here all along. I've been reading up pretty quick on all the applicable forums. Your discources with Ray Tapio in the preceived "privacy" of the ATS forums over there are the biggest problem I have with buying from CH so far...Might want to tone it down a bit, your hurting sales...