New members introduce yourself here


Nov 23, 2008
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llUnited States
Thanks everybody. I appreciate the warm welcome.


Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
Hi there,

I am Monika, 47 years old and I come from Germany. I am new to ASL and thus came to this forum to read through some interesting topics.

I am playing ASL with my husband (Warbear) an I am only at the very start of learning full ASL.

Before that we played several ASL SK Scenarios, but I never could manage those tanks right, until now :D.

I think, there is still plenty of stuff to learn :laugh:.


Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score
Westerlo, Belgium
Hi everyone,

This is my first post, although I have been reading through the topics here for a while now. My name is Pieter and I live in Belgium.

I have been playing board- and wargames for about 5 years before I started playing ASL last december. I had bought the SKs a few months before but had not tried them yet. I stumbled on the GS forum by accident and saw a post from someone who only lives 15 minutes from me (GVL). So I contacted him and he kindly offered to help me learn the game.

After our first game (S1 Retaking Vierville) I was hooked and I immediately ordered the RB and BV. After playing through 3 SK scenarios we played our first full ASL game (Guards Counterattack) and I never looked back at the SKs again. The SKs are a good way to learn the game but full ASL is so much more fun. We’ve played 4 full ASL scenarios so far and will probably start a new game next week.

There’s still so much to learn for me because we’ve only played infantry scenarios so far, but I’m enjoying the ride, so I look forward to learning new things each time we play.


Spencer Armstrong

Canard de Guerre
Mar 7, 2009
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Gainesville, FL
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llUnited States
Hi everyone,

This is my first post, although I have been reading through the topics here for a while now. My name is Pieter and I live in Belgium.

I have been playing board- and wargames for about 5 years before I started playing ASL last december. I had bought the SKs a few months before but had not tried them yet. I stumbled on the GS forum by accident and saw a post from someone who only lives 15 minutes from me (GVL). So I contacted him and he kindly offered to help me learn the game.

After our first game (S1 Retaking Vierville) I was hooked and I immediately ordered the RB and BV. After playing through 3 SK scenarios we played our first full ASL game (Guards Counterattack) and I never looked back at the SKs again. The SKs are a good way to learn the game but full ASL is so much more fun. We’ve played 4 full ASL scenarios so far and will probably start a new game next week.

There’s still so much to learn for me because we’ve only played infantry scenarios so far, but I’m enjoying the ride, so I look forward to learning new things each time we play.

Welcome, Pieter.

Roll low...and frequently.



Elder Member
Mar 22, 2004
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Toledo, Ohio
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llUnited States
Welcome Pieter,

I wish you many years of ASL fun.

Don't get discouraged at bad die rolls or things that go in and out of print, sooner or later things will look up.

They way I learned not to get discouraged by rolling eight box cars in a roll is by playing the Red Barricade campaign game III with my very good friend.

Small scenarios are fun to learn on but bigger ones allow more bad die rolls and mistakes to not cost you the game early on.

But most of all just have fun.


Forum Guru
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Ottawa GMT -5/-4
Hi there,

I am Monika, 47 years old and I come from Germany. I am new to ASL and thus came to this forum to read through some interesting topics.

I am playing ASL with my husband (Warbear) an I am only at the very start of learning full ASL.

Before that we played several ASL SK Scenarios, but I never could manage those tanks right, until now :D.

I think, there is still plenty of stuff to learn :laugh:.
Hallo Monika,

Es ist ermutigend zu hören, dass du spielst mit deinem Mann ASL. Ich habe nicht vermocht, meine Frau davon zu überzeugen, nichts außer ein bisschen Starter Kit bisher spielen. 1963 war ein gutes Jahr, nicht war?

alles Gute



Forum Guru
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Ottawa GMT -5/-4
Hallo Chris,

Starter Kit spielen ist doch schon ein guter Anfang ;)
Hoffentlich nicht der Anfang von deinem Ende :cheeky: Ich mag Melotron. What can I say?

You have a good german writing :clap:
Danke, aber dein English ist noch besser. I wish my wife and I could come to Europe for a bit of ASL and a lot of travelling. She :love:s Wolfsheim/Heppner (Feel You, etc.).

She was even asking me how we could go to Grenadier in November! I told her to buy a Lotto ticket. She did :)

Aug 31, 2010
Reaction score
Lafayette, Indiana
llUnited States
Hi all. Call me Indy. I'm from Lafayette, IN and love my Colts! I'm 60 and have played war games since the mid-60s, starting out with D-Day, Stalingrad and Blitzkrieg. I started getting into SL when it was first published but unfortunately my playing partners lost interest or relocated and I never found any one else willing to tackle the SL system at the time. I continued to buy the SL gamettes until GI, then the constraints of work, marriage, kids... life... put buying war games pretty low on the priorities list.

Thirty years later, semi-retired, still married, kids grown up, now I find I have time to drag out the oldies, and for the first time I took an interest in the ASL system (I continued to read the General for a few more years after I quit playing so I was familiar with some of what was going on up into the mid-80s. I bought GI:AoV in Feb., the bought the ASL rule book 2d ed. in April, along with BV. I've been rereading General articles, studying the rules, dl'ing as many scenarios as I can find, and trying to play and learn as best as I can. I'm not sure where I'd rate myself as I have a pretty good base in the original SL rules; either a grad with a BS seeking an MS or trying to get my GED, lol.

Anyway I've been a lurker for a few months, have tried to install VASL (I'm a computer illiterate for the most part) and trying to figure out what paraphenalia to spend my money on. Yanks! is my next priority; does anyone think I should get something else first? (I'm not interested in SASL, BK or DASL at this time.) I'd be interested in meeting some players for ftf in the Lafayette area also.

Spencer Armstrong

Canard de Guerre
Mar 7, 2009
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Gainesville, FL
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llUnited States
Hi all. Call me Indy. I'm from Lafayette, IN and love my Colts! I'm 60 and have played war games since the mid-60s, starting out with D-Day, Stalingrad and Blitzkrieg. I started getting into SL when it was first published but unfortunately my playing partners lost interest or relocated and I never found any one else willing to tackle the SL system at the time. I continued to buy the SL gamettes until GI, then the constraints of work, marriage, kids... life... put buying war games pretty low on the priorities list.

Thirty years later, semi-retired, still married, kids grown up, now I find I have time to drag out the oldies, and for the first time I took an interest in the ASL system (I continued to read the General for a few more years after I quit playing so I was familiar with some of what was going on up into the mid-80s. I bought GI:AoV in Feb., the bought the ASL rule book 2d ed. in April, along with BV. I've been rereading General articles, studying the rules, dl'ing as many scenarios as I can find, and trying to play and learn as best as I can. I'm not sure where I'd rate myself as I have a pretty good base in the original SL rules; either a grad with a BS seeking an MS or trying to get my GED, lol.

Anyway I've been a lurker for a few months, have tried to install VASL (I'm a computer illiterate for the most part) and trying to figure out what paraphenalia to spend my money on. Yanks! is my next priority; does anyone think I should get something else first? (I'm not interested in SASL, BK or DASL at this time.) I'd be interested in meeting some players for ftf in the Lafayette area also.
Welcome, Indy!

If you can find it for a reasonable price, Yanks! is the most logical next purchase, IMO. While you no longer need it for Chapter E, the Americans are the third most used nationality.


Spencer Armstrong

Canard de Guerre
Mar 7, 2009
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Gainesville, FL
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llUnited States
Thanks armstrong. I didn't get Chapter E with my volume; A-D, H and J only (plus the Russian and German armories.) can call me Spencer. ;) If you didn't get Chapter E, are you sure you got a 2nd edition rulebook? That was perhaps the key difference (off the top of my head). A quick way to check is to see how many pages long your Chapter A is. 2nd Edition's is 61 pages, 1st's is...well, less than that (I wanna say 40ish). The font expanded to be much easier to read in 2nd Ed.

I (and many others here) are happy to help. Hope the new season lives up to expectations for the Colts, BTW. (My wife is a huge Colts fan and my beloved Denver Broncos look like 6-10, so that's my second choice...)

Aug 31, 2010
Reaction score
Lafayette, Indiana
llUnited States
It appears I got the first edition, Ch. A. is 44 pages. Well looks like I'm going to have to make do for now, but I'll keep an eye open for an inexpensive (!) 2cd ed. When I get Yanks! I'll make sure Ch. E. is enclosed though. What is the policy on listing sites that sell used games? Perhaps someone can steer me to one that's a little cheaper than what I'm using now, although I have absolutely no c/o about their game conditions, service or speed. In fact I asked about buying a copy of the Fortress Europa rules and they sent it to me gratis next day shipping. Very nice people indeed.

Is Orton your starter this year? He looked good early last season; the Bears curse got him, maybe? It sure got Cutler.:crosseye: Our D looks a little shaky early on, but they did last year also. Darn that piddling out the end of the season; we should have done a NE and gone for 16-0, even if we did a NE at the end (great SB, good win by the Saints.):cry:
Last edited:


Elder Member
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
llUnited Kingdom
I might have a spare chap E for you. I just won a couple of mods and the 1st edition rule book. The Yanks box has the chap e but so does the rule book. I am awaiting a reply from the seller if he wants it back (along with the Red Baracades rule pages!!!!)

Just let me know and if it's begging I will mail it to you.



Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
llUnited States
Hi. My name is Jamey. I've been hanging out here for a few months, since getting bitten by the ASL bug, but forgot to introduce myself. I'm a self-employed programmer living in Raleigh, NC. I'm 46, have four grown kids, and am married. After not playing boardgames since playing Avalon Hill stuff when I was teenager, I recently have re-discovered ASL, and the joys of playing a human opponent ftf.

I have only been playing ASL for a couple of months, but I have already met many friendly, patient people who have been willing to help me learn. I also am going to my first ASLOK! I'm pretty geeked about that. So, if there are any other newbies (or experienced players for that matter) who will be at ASLOK and don't mind playing another newbie, look for me.

I am enjoying wargaming now more than I have in years! Thanks for this forum and all the helpful advice it contains.



Forum Guru
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Ottawa GMT -5/-4
Hi. My name is Jamey. I've been hanging out here for a few months, since getting bitten by the ASL bug, but forgot to introduce myself. I'm a self-employed programmer living in Raleigh, NC. I'm 46, have four grown kids, and am married. After not playing boardgames since playing Avalon Hill stuff when I was teenager, I recently have re-discovered ASL, and the joys of playing a human opponent ftf.

I have only been playing ASL for a couple of months, but I have already met many friendly, patient people who have been willing to help me learn. I also am going to my first ASLOK! I'm pretty geeked about that. So, if there are any other newbies (or experienced players for that matter) who will be at ASLOK and don't mind playing another newbie, look for me.

I am enjoying wargaming now more than I have in years! Thanks for this forum and all the helpful advice it contains.

Welcome Jamey!

Happy to play a game with you at ASLOK, especially if you are arriving in time for the World Cup matches 1-5 October. ;)

I could use a relaxed warm-up game before I face Ray Wolozyn and other US grognards. :devious: :D

Seriously, if you want to play a scenario at ASLOK, look me up (inquire at the tourney command post).

In the meantime, if you would like a couple free ASL articles (in pdf) to bone up on your infantry skills, just email me at:

Game on!


Spencer Armstrong

Canard de Guerre
Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score
Gainesville, FL
First name
llUnited States
It appears I got the first edition, Ch. A. is 44 pages. Well looks like I'm going to have to make do for now, but I'll keep an eye open for an expensive (!) 2cd ed. When I get Yanks! I'll make sure Ch. E. is enclosed though. What is the policy on listing sites that sell used games? Perhaps someone can steer me to one that's a little cheaper than what I'm using now, although I have absolutely no c/o about their game conditions, service or speed. In fact I asked about buying a copy of the Fortress Europa rules and they sent it to me gratis next day shipping. Very nice people indeed.
1st will be fine for you...the rules are essentiallythe same, just some cleanup and fine adjustments in 2nd Ed. If Ian (custardpie) can get you the Chapter E, you'll be good for awhile. Don't get me wrong, though, ASLRB 2nd Ed is simply the best money you can spend on ASL, but probably not a rush. As for buying stuff, The Gamer's Armory has an excellent reputation, and Alex Key (an internet seller in Illinois) is who I use (PM me if you want his email). Both have reputations for the best prices and good service.

Is Orton your starter this year? He looked good early last season; the Bears curse got him, maybe? It sure got Cutler.:crosseye: Our D looks a little shaky early on, but they did last year also. Darn that piddling out the end of the season; we should have done a NE and gone for 16-0, even if we did a NE at the end (great SB, good win by the Saints.):cry:
I think it'll be Orton, but on a REAL short leash, though more to Quinn than Tebow in the short-term. Dunno. Gonna be a long season. They may score 35/game, but they may give up 50. Hope I'm wrong. And you're right about the Super Bowl, great game, pity how it ended. I'm not sure NO was the better team, but they clearly had the better plan on that day. Not sure about the 16-0, that didn't end real well for the Pats. Consider yourself lucky to be a Colts fan and have that "rest or play" argument every year!

Hi. My name is Jamey. I've been hanging out here for a few months, since getting bitten by the ASL bug, but forgot to introduce myself. I'm a self-employed programmer living in Raleigh, NC. I'm 46, have four grown kids, and am married. After not playing boardgames since playing Avalon Hill stuff when I was teenager, I recently have re-discovered ASL, and the joys of playing a human opponent ftf.

I have only been playing ASL for a couple of months, but I have already met many friendly, patient people who have been willing to help me learn. I also am going to my first ASLOK! I'm pretty geeked about that. So, if there are any other newbies (or experienced players for that matter) who will be at ASLOK and don't mind playing another newbie, look for me.

I am enjoying wargaming now more than I have in years! Thanks for this forum and all the helpful advice it contains.

Welcome, Jamey. You think you're excited about ASL now, just wait till you get to (and back from ASLOK)! You'll do well to find Chris (BattleSchool) at ASLOK. I'd also be happy to give you a game and Sam Belcher (SamB) is famously newbie-friendly. FWIW, you won't have trouble getting games. That was my big worry about my first ASLOK last year...not a problem.
