Senior Member
I am now leaving the forum for a couple of days. THe IFT/IIft flame war gains another victim. Be cool and some how stop this Da*&ed Flame war!
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Hi Roy, I do hope you will find the resources and fun you are looking for around here.Hi Robin, Just wanted to introduce myself and say how much I enjoy this site. Played ASL since the first day and a gamer since the late 60,s. Looking forward to joining some of the conversations. Roy
Welcome and hiHello,
After a very long absence from the on-line ASL world, I've decided to come around a bit and check it out. I've been playing ASL since 1991, lurked on the ASLML in the mid 90s, and then relocation and a new job have slowed my play quite a lot. Gotta check out VASL one day.........
I am looking forward to ASLOK 2007.
This looks like a very good forum keep up the fantastic work.
Welcome Luke! Thanks for the game; you've got a good feel for the game. BTW, ASL is full of acronyms, to the faithful RB = Red Barricades and rulebook is ASLRB, or in my case, NRBH = no rule book handy...Let's play again sometime.I guess I should introduce myself, huh? I'm new to this, new to ASL. I played S1 from ASLSK#1 and just knew I had to get the RB. Yeah.
UUHHH! I did forget to mention the next turn comeback :laugh: and welcome Fleet.Been reading the posts for a week or two since a friend let me know about this site.
A little about me:
I have 18yrs in the infantry. Still serving and I try to find the time to play the best game I found for tactics and fun. Stress the fun. Did I mention FUN.
I see the IIFT/IFT debate among others and think quit fighting and have fun. :cheeky:
I have read the posts and believe I have the worst shot ever recorded; final DR 33 on my first KGP CG. When the other guy has a sn:2, I have equal chance to get a P CH vs Malf. main gun. At least I fixed the MA the next turn.
Been playing ASL since 1990, other military (beer and pretzels) games before.
I like the CG's more but will play any scenario that I have time for. Currently playing the germans in RB CGIII against one opponent and one as the Russians. Another CG KGP I as the Germans in Stoumont.
My favorite game, (I almost never give up a game) playing one american Scenario, I went into the last movement phase needing two hero creations to win, so going CX to give more attacks against me, I moved. After creating one hero my opponite relized my need to create another hero and quit shooting. Talk about a long shot, get shot at and create two heros to have 4 SMC to count as a MMC to "have a MMC within 1 hex of all roads" as a victory condition.