Another n00b joins the fray...
Greets all!
Just wanted to leave the obligatory quick intro since I am new to the forum... Glad to find a lively place where discussion of ASL occurs daily. Maybe even find some VASL players out there willing to deal with lots of rules questions...
So I have utterly arrogantly assumed the forum name of the (in)famous Sgt Stahler (I was shocked it wasnt already taken and had assumed I would not get it...) but the real name is Sean, and my mini-history wrt ASL goes something like this:
I owned and played SL/COI/COD/GI way, WAY back in the day. But, I was only 13-14 years old at the time and an only child. So, a) I had lots of trouble finding people to play with, and b) once ASL came out, I was effectively priced out of the hobby. Besides the SL line, I also had and played (read: "spent money on") many other titles. (Feel free to ask about them - I still have most of them...) Unfortunately, since I was unable to keep up with the modules (and the fact the BV was *really* expensive for a 15-year-old, and I had less interest in the eastern front, and took offense at having to spend that kind of cash just so I could continue with the game), I did what (likely) a lot of kids in my position would do - I did not actually "play" very much, I merely tinkered and futzed with the components and read (and re-read, and re-re-read) rules, and played solitaire games. And eventually got involved with other things and stopped messing around with wargames.
So. Fast forward 20-some years. I am older and have more expendable income. And I am going through a resurgence of fondness for various childhood hobbies. It was only a matter of time before I finally bought myself the ASL rulebook. Unfortunately, due to time restrictions, I have been on-again off-again even in my re-uptake of the hobby. I got the ASLRB a few years ago. I got Paratrooper. I got a couple of CH modules (Timmes' Orchard and Shanley's Hill - can you tell the genre of scenarios that interest me...? :laugh
. I have fought the good fight with VASL (thats another story...). I even created a module for VASSAL that did not exist at the time, and in fact even in its half-finished state is better than the one that is currently out there, IMO... (GEV, anyone?) And then I fell out again for a while.
But you know, you can only watch Saving Private Ryan and the Band of Brothers shows so many times...
And I really do want to actually *play* this damn game! So now I am shopping ebay and will be finally getting copies of BV and Yanks soon. And likely other stuff as well... And I have *finally* actually gone through most of Chapter K... And I knew there were various ASL-related web resources out there, but now have finally come to boardgamegeek and here to be more than just a lurker.
So there you have it. The abridged version of my history with wargames. I hope to be on here at least somewhat frequently and actually post and become a part of the community. But then of course, I just had a baby girl (6 weeks old now), so no promises...