Hi Marines,
I see a difference, sure, but not one that is tremendous and that would make me get on a "face lift" campaign.
I find it easier to "read" the Tiller map rather than the FG one. I don't know what your display settings are at, nor what options FG gives you on that, but I like to see a lot of the map at one time, which the Tiller titles allow. I also use "Auto Scroll", which removes the scroll bars, and I place the hex info area at the bottom of the map, so that gives me a better scope. Additionally the "tile" format that John uses allows for huge maps to be created, where the old Battleground hand-painted maps did not. A prime example of this benefit will be seen with this last title, Gettysburg, where there are several huge maps included.
Could the graphics be improved? Sure, but would it be worth the expense? Personally I would rather have more campaigns to fight on more maps and more topics covered rather than have development money put into "eye candy" which in essence is all that it is. Yes, that's just me personaly, I know.

I am more for engine enhancements, new features and maintaining the rock-solid stability of the games rather than something like this.
If we were talking about 20,000+ copies of each game going out the door then yes, by all means, more money would need to be spent, but we aren't. In fact only a fraction of that is sold. With the niche nature of this market you have to make decisions such as this...and for my money I'm fine with the way things have been done. For example, I've been playing Campaign 1776 for over 4 years now and plan on continuing for the forseeable future. I can't name any other game (from other publishers) that I have ever played that long. Usually 6 months to a year tops.
I always direct people to what's "under the hood" with these games. Not only what is included with each title, but also the fact that John gives away all engine enhancements to the entire series as each new game comes out. Dollar for dollar the Tiller titles are very much worth their cost compared to many other purchases I have made over the years. :thumb:
BTW, I have my copy of Gettysburg and it is awesome. Huge maps, a huge campaign game, everything.