Yeah, some of the new Xenforo stuff is good and some of it is hard to get used to.
I'm still happy with the choice we made two years ago to transition from Vbulletin to Xenforo, though. Vbulletin is what GameSquad used for years and years, but most of the developers had left after the company was bought. So the original team re-formed and created Xenforo, which was what Vbulletin 5 really should have been. Vbulletin has undergone a really strange development cycle over the last few years, and had we kept on using it here, I can only imagine how people would have complained.
The thing is, forum software is in a state of rapid and forced evolution due to the fact that social media has put most big forums out of business. People whine constantly about me changing the forums, but in actuality all I'm really doing is the bare minimum of keeping the forums updated with the latest release. The forum software is changing and evolving, because forum owners have discovered that if they fail to evolve, these websites will simply die off. In the age of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, forum-based sites are a bit of an anachronism and it takes a lot of work and dedication to keep them going, let alone get them to grow.
So that's where we're at. GameSquad must get the latest software updates because I've learned the hard way that failing to do so invites the hackers and spammers to run riot. But people whine and complain whenever there's an update, so catch 22. And as for growing the site, if it doesn't grow it can't pay for itself. And if it can't (at an absolute minimum) pay for itself, then it goes away.