My Nor'Easter rounds

Michael R

Minor Hero
Staff member
Feb 4, 2003
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La Belle Province
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Round 1 versus Peter Struijf. I need to check my records, but Peter might be my first European opponent. I say he counts as European even though he recently relocated to Halifax. We played a tense, but nonetheless pleasant, game of FrF30 Bidermann's Escape. I bid Russian and Peter bid German, so we played it straight up. We both played fairly error free, which was refreshing. Luck was average overall, except for my rallies. Nobody could rally. In my turn five, I conceded when it was obvious that I could not win.

Round 2 versus Charlie Willmer. We had only SP176 as a common pick. We both bid German. Charlie got the Americans with the balance. I went up the left flank with most of the infantry. Three Tigers moved up the left flank as a platoon to reduce the number of bog checks that they needed to do. In three turns of play, they did not bog. The M10's had an interesting time. One almost killed a Tiger; when it failed, that Tiger killed it. The other M10 killed one Tiger and immobilized a second before dying. At some point, the American infantry started failing all their MC. Charlie conceded after American turn 3.


Elder Member
Apr 1, 2003
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llUnited States
Thanks for your AARs Michael. Always an enjoyable read. Keep em' up. Wish I could go to as many tourneys as you... and cruises!


Minister of Propaganda
Apr 28, 2008
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llUnited States
Thanks for the update and AAR Mike. I saw you guys playing and it looked pretty cool. :) I got my one game in vs Carl and I lost in turn 2. Still, LSSAH29 is a fun little scenario and I would recommend it (I'm 1-1 with it). I was not able to stay longer but wished I could. Seemed like more people than last year to me. :)

Michael R

Minor Hero
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Feb 4, 2003
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La Belle Province
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Seemed like more people than last year to me. :)
Funny; I felt like there was less people than last year. I heard that Saturday attendance was 42.

My round 3 in the morning was SP198 Fish In A Barrel against Paul Anderson of Connecticut. I bid German and he bid Russian. I set up the two Nashorns in woods, separated by one hex, behind the VC area. The HIP hero was between the two. The first turn had some action. One T34 tried to scoot down the road from Q15. One Nashorn killed it, so Paul decided to be cautious with the remaining three by keeping them out of sight. One ended up visible to only the same Nashorn at the end of its MPh. I waited until my PFPh, shot, and malfunctioned the gun. That T34 then shot and killed that same Nashorn with a TH DR of 3, and set it ablaze. Most of my reinforcements headed for the VC area, but two squads and LMGs positioned themselves in level two positions to interdict the Russian infantry. On Russian turn two, the infantry entered around Q15. Paul entered unstacked, so I held fire. When his first leader came on, I took a two minus two shot and got a KIA. Paul had also made a stack of infantry in LOS of my surviving Nashorn. I depleted HE on my shot. The next bunch of turns was Paul moving the infantry and tanks in blinds hexes. I thought he was approaching too slowly, but on the last turn, his people were close enough. He actually was able to get enough infantry in the VC area and one tank. My PSK had only one shot to take in the game on the last turn and I rolled a ten; arg.

In between rounds after eating, I met up with Keith Hill to fix the VASL installation on his laptop. We found out that we had the same record, so we played the evening round. We both had BFP95 Obian Highway as our first choice. We both bid German. I got them, he got the balance of one less German leader. This game went wrong for me from the get-go. Two Panzer 4 tanks, one s9 and one s8 failed to get smoke on the turn two PFPh. My attack went up the German right. It turned out that is where Keith wanted it to go. To make matters more difficult, my dice were cold, especially for MC, and his were hot for just about everything. For three turns, I tried to make something happen, but I gave up during my turn four.

I didn't win any raffle prizes, either. :cry:

Michael R

Minor Hero
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Feb 4, 2003
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La Belle Province
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For my Sunday round, I asked to be matched with anyone not in a hurry to leave early. I have learned to stay over on Sunday night to avoid driving on dark highways going home. It is either that or skip the Sunday round. The tournament director, Chuck Tewksbury, answered the call himself. We picked FrF49 One Last Mighty Hew by mutual agreement. He asked me if I had a side preference, and I chose to defend only because I had attacked in the previous round.

I defended the two victory areas about equally when you include the Russian reinforcements. The KV1 and 107 ART piece were in the lower location. Chuck attacked with everyone from the south edge. The match lasted the entire number of turns. Chuck managed to achieve the victory conditions on the very last CC phase. I probably could have set up a little better. In another playing of this scenario that I witnessed, the Russian player did not defend one location at all. That Russian player won, but their match also went the distance.

Despite my 1 and 4 record, I had a lot of fun. Four of the five rounds gave me new opponents and new scenarios. I think, however, that I might give my BattleSchool dice a rest; they let me down this weekend. :laugh:


World Famous in Maine
Sep 25, 2009
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Greater Portland
llUnited States
Thanks for the update and AAR Mike. I saw you guys playing and it looked pretty cool. :) I got my one game in vs Carl and I lost in turn 2. Still, LSSAH29 is a fun little scenario and I would recommend it (I'm 1-1 with it). I was not able to stay longer but wished I could. Seemed like more people than last year to me. :)
Mike-- I LOVE That Pic you're using... we gotta get that on a T shirt or Hat!