Elder Member
Yeah K. The production values in SWTOR are indeed quite high. Every now and then I feel like giving SWTOR another try, but frankly I still like GW2 and STO better. BTW, thought I'd read somewhere that SWTOR had one of the largest mmo budgets ever. Too bad they made it a theme park/hero-assembly line mmo rather than a sandbox like Star Wars Galaxies.I've been listening to the SWTOR soundtrack on youtube and enjoying it. It's really well done fits in with the movie soundtracks quite nicely. So far Coruscant, The Capitol is my favorite piece:
Coruscant, The Capitol
I think Jeff Becks' 'Blow by Blow' and 'Wired' are two of the best fusion albums ever. Amazing stuff!very loudly
It really is, I'm thoroughly impressed with what I've seen so far. A few character animations and some other changes to character interaction could have definitely helped improve certain aspects of the game. And yeah, it is a total hero theme-park assembly line. Kinda totally boring but the presentation would be very much worth the effort imho. Also, the released a new digital expansion titled Rise of the Hutts which has a killer cinematic ending (I'm a sucker for Star Wars lol). And yeah I've heard all about the love-hate with SWG. What turned you off with SWTOR?Yeah K. The production values in SWTOR are indeed quite high. Every now and then I feel like giving SWTOR another try, but frankly I still like GW2 and STO better. BTW, thought I'd read somewhere that SWTOR had one of the largest mmo budgets ever. Too bad they made it a theme park/hero-assembly line mmo rather than a sandbox like Star Wars Galaxies.
Sorry Kawaiku, I seem to have a knack for taking threads off topic.It really is, I'm thoroughly impressed with what I've seen so far. A few character animations and some other changes to character interaction could have definitely helped improve certain aspects of the game. And yeah, it is a total hero theme-park assembly line. Kinda totally boring but the presentation would be very much worth the effort imho. Also, the released a new digital expansion titled Rise of the Hutts which has a killer cinematic ending (I'm a sucker for Star Wars lol). And yeah I've heard all about the love-hate with SWG. What turned you off with SWTOR?
It was only your second mmo!? Would've never guessed haha. And lmao I've had that happen to me on plenty of them. I end up doing some grinding work before retrying most quests where I get frustrated like that. And lol, I've actually done the same thing as that player did to you. If another player doesn't PM for help like that, I just leave 'em be. But wow! It seems like it was a slow build-up to that.Sorry Kawaiku, I seem to have a knack for taking threads off topic.I would start off by saying that SWTOR was actually only my second mmo (STO was my first), so I was still a relative mmo noob when I played it and hadn't learned a lot of the survival skills and social etiquette. I don't know, but maybe if I tried it again I would have a different experience. Anyway, there was one particular incident for me that made me say, that's it, I've had enough. I was on Tatooine doing one particularly frustrating quest. It was one of those where I had to fight a long sequence of bad guys, then when I made it to the boss I kept getting killed, and after getting killed you have to go back to the beginning of that quest and fight through the same bunch of bad guys again. After 3-4 tries of this my patience was starting to wear thin, and the final time after getting killed, another player came by and almost nonchalantly finished the quest, but didn't bother to revive me. I was so pissed I could have spit nails! I canceled my subscription within about 30 minutes of that incident.
Well, sometimes linear isn't always a bad thing if done correctly. They have crafting in that game?? :crosseye: I would have never guessed, but then again, I just usually ignore crafting in nearly all RPGs I play, including MMOs, lol.On a more general note, on hindsight the game in general and story in particular seemed very linear. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand has a lot of other things to do if you don't feel like doing the story, or just feel like giving the story a rest. Further, even at level 30 crafting in SWTOR was a total mystery to me. Finally, I agree completely with what Gamespot's Kevin van Ord (who mostly liked SWTOR) wrote about how the space combat was a missed opportunity. Funny that, in Star Trek it's just the opposite. STO has great ship combat, but ground combat is very much a mixed bag. As Forest would say, that's all there is to say about tha-at.![]()