more KBR questions


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario
I'm digesting the rules for this and have a few questions.

B13 Cellars: do cellars exist under the pre-printed rubble of multihex buildings? Ie Z60

TM18a If a gun RG is purchased without prime movers, and none assigned, is it still subject to ammunition shortage? COWTRA implies no.

TM30 Does pre-printed rubble break up a building for the purposes of this rule? Ie the S59 building is a fanatic strongpoint. Are U58, W58, W59 and W60 also fanatic strong point locations? Are U59 and V59?

TM Does OB given the G1 platoon come with prime movers?
TM Do the 4 OB given rocket OBA fire missions count against the TM31 limit of 4 OBA modules?

Fortification table: Some entries (ie set DC) have both G and R notes. Isn't this redundant?

Some observations:
Debris in a wide city boulevard removes the wide city boulevard effect. All such hexes have a small white center dot. ie T60
Whereas shellholes sometimes remove the effect (R59) and sometimes don't (R61). Interesting effect.