I'm now organising my counters and hunting for misprints in them.
I think that I found a missprint which is not mentioned on MMP site. There should be dm MTR 46mm / dm MTR 50mm counters on 2nd ed. Last Hurrah but they are missprinted as 46mm / 81mm.
Are there other missprints not mentioned on ASL Q&A and Errata or downloadable Chapter N pages?
Tuomo Kalliokoski
I think that I found a missprint which is not mentioned on MMP site. There should be dm MTR 46mm / dm MTR 50mm counters on 2nd ed. Last Hurrah but they are missprinted as 46mm / 81mm.
Are there other missprints not mentioned on ASL Q&A and Errata or downloadable Chapter N pages?
Tuomo Kalliokoski