Hmm to be honest, I've seen most of the books, most are quite good, but in all honesty, if I had 350, I would be inclined to get the DM's, Player's, and Monster's manuals, and blow the rest on D&D minis.
What's really sad though, is the brutal fact, that as these books are in today's world, such nice hard covers, there won't be a lot left for those D&D minis.
As most players though, like to make the best player character possible, the class based books likely will see the most need.
Setting books done to older editions are all still every bit usable. So if you have old ones, you don't reeeeeally need new ones. A decent DM already knows how to do the conversions.
Actually, a real perk, would be to just buy several more Players copies. Because, 6 players (6 is an average group) will all need their own copy at varying times. It would be nice having players that didn't need to wait in line to look up a detail