Mandzhur's Last Stand


Storm Eagle Studios
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
Wakefield, LA
llUnited States
Over the first 5 days of the campaign, the doughty gunboat Mandzhur had been making her way slowly NE along the outer 2ndary shipping lane in the Sea of Japan. While all the cruisers from both Port Arthur and Vladivostok rampaged around the whole Sea of Japan and along the Korean coast, snapping up merchants and being chased by the IJN, the "Mighty Man" had seen nothing at all since catching a lone maru near Ulsan. Arriving at the NE end of the lane, ESE of Vladivostok and about 250km SW of Matsumai, she decided to patrol that area before finally heading for her new base. After all, she had plenty of coal and ammo, there'd been no report of any contact this far north except with a few auxiliary cruisers, and the Russian cruisers had dragged all the known IJN forces down to the Tsushima area. Thus, this looked like a good place to catch another merchant unaware.

But instead of a merchant, Mandzhur had the misfortune to discover a new and deadly IJN force composed of 4 PCs and 7 modern DDs. The "Mighty Man" was far enough away, however, that there seemed the possibility of escape. Unfortunately, this IJN force exhibited new tactics previously unseen in this war. Instead of staying in formation with the cruisers, the IJN DDs raced ahead at 29 knots and quickly ran down the temeritous gunboat while the PCs lagged far to the rear at the distance they had previously been wont to abandon the chase.

Soon torrents of 76mm and 47mm shells began to fall around and on Mandzhur, starting fires and reducing speed. The gunboat's cannon fired back with telling effect on the lead DD, however, but the attrition was definitely in the IJN's favor. At this point, with the lead DD less than 1000 yards away on the starboard quarter, the "Mighty Man", now reduced a mere 10 knots, turned at bay and raked her pursuers with full broadsides.

The lead DD quickly became a mass of flames and coasted across the gunboat's bow at less than 100 yards and beginning to sink. The 2nd DD shared this fate, but the remainder came on in their leaders' wakes, pounding Mandzhur with a rapid-fire barrage. But the gunboat was hitting them going and coming with opposite broadsides. See 1st attachement

But as the IJN shells continued to slam in and the fires grew bigger, the "Mighty Man"'s guns began to fall silent one by one. Thus, while she destroyed the first 2 DDs, the 3rd survived although just barely. By now Mandzhur was sinking herself, but her gallant crew remained at their remaining guns despite the carnage around them, continuing to punish the IJN DDs, although with steadily lessening effect. Mere seconds before she went under, her last shot from her last remaining gun a 120mm shell squarely amidships on the last DD in line, so that none could say they'd escaped the fury of the "Mighty Man".

Box score: See 2nd attachment
IRN Losses: 1 unarmored but famous gunboat sunk.
IJN Losses: 2 DDs sunk, 1 severely damaged, 2 heavily damaged, 1 moderately damaged, and 1 lightly damaged. The PCs never got in range to fire.