Scott Tortorice
Senior Member
Funny how gamers often display a hive mind when it comes to certain games. It is like somebody throws a switch and everybody starts agreeing on the state of s particular game. Case in point: Elemental:Fallen Enchantress:Legendary Heroes. As I remarked in a different threat, with the arrival of v1.3, Legendary Heroes is suddenly breaking away from the mediocrity of Fallen Enchantress and achieving what we all hoped this franchise was going to achieve back with the launch of the failed Elemental. Stardock's magic is starting to show again.
Brad Wardell posted a dev journal today that seems to indicate that a lot of other gamers are starting to finally embrace the franchise...even if the name is confusing them.
[h=2]Iterating further on Elemental[/h]
Brad Wardell posted a dev journal today that seems to indicate that a lot of other gamers are starting to finally embrace the franchise...even if the name is confusing them.
[h=2]Iterating further on Elemental[/h]
I am glad to see that other gamers are now loving the game, too.I was playing Galactic Civilizations II last night. I hadn’t played it in a very long time and was stunned by just how much…awesome it has in it. That awesomeness didn’t come from the original design. It came from years and years of iteration and frankly, labors of love.
The problem I see with Legendary Heroes is that it’s really hard to do iteration like that. After all, it’s technically Elemental: Fallen Enchantress – Legendary Heroes. It’s a mouth full. No one calls GalCiv II “Twilight of the Arnor”. It’s just called GalCiv.
But Elemental got off to such a rocky start that for good or bad, we don’t really call it Elemental anymore. If the quality and fandom that supports Legendary Heroes could somehow be applied to Elemental that would be great. But it’s not. It’s barely applied to Fallen Enchantress.
Frankly, from a purely a branding perspective – i.e. the THING that people remember playing, we basically call it Legendary Heroes. It’s just really hosed up.
Then you have the DLC situation. The DLC for Legendary Heroes doesn’t just sell well. It sells insanely well. There’s a huge demand for it because the installed base of the game we call Legendary Heroes (but is really Elemental: Fallen Enchantress – Legendary Heroes) keeps growing.
I know some people don’t care about the name. But the reality is, the single biggest thing holding LH back is the brand confusion. I’ve seen people on various forums say that LH is probably the best fantasy 4X that is currently available (though Age of Wonders 3 is looking pretty awesome).
So we have this great fantasy game that we have the budget to keep iterating on that is artificially held down because no one really knows what to call it.