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Aug 21, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
It was time. Void had regained something. His sight. However, it wasn't like it used to be. It was was...unique. Things seemed to move in a weird way. Like time had slowed a little. Yet he knew he was seeing things in real time.

Void stood up and muttered the teleportation spell and melted away.


He was back where he left off. Time had passed....but how much? Had he spent a day? Two days? More? It didn't matter now...he had to see what was happening at the centre of Kingdom Hearts...he had to push on...


Void awoke.

He was still pinned to a wall with the sword through his chest. He opened his eyes and looked around. There was nothing but.....darkness.

Although his body was cold he could feel warmth inside of him. He hung there for a few minutes, crying silently. Slowly his memory started to construct what happened. In his minds eye he watched as the sword tore through the mans body and into his own.

Slowly he remember what the man spoke before he died...

"When all is lost...When courage fails...When all hearts have turned black...Strength will become your power...Fire will become your light...The Dark One will come..."

Strength? Though Void. Fire...? Fire...His grandfather has once tried to teach him a spell...what was it called? He could never remember it...his grandfather had given up trying to teach him in the end...

What was it called....?


There were still weird cracks in Kingdom Hearts. Void couldn't understand it. What did it all mean? A strange person with incredible power, Ansem, the heartless, two keybearers...nothing made sense.

Void melted into the background...




Aug 23, 2005
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Where would you like me to be?
llUnited Kingdom
Kairi rubbed her eyes. It had been such a weird dream. A strange man had approached her and Sora and.... SORA! She sat up. This wasn't her room, it wasn't even destiny islands. She should up and looked around. it was dark, a silent, suffocating black. So dark- eexcept for a pair of yellow eyes glinting. She backed off and they came nearer. oh no she thought- not again............ where are you Sora?


Apr 16, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
Namine finally opened her eyes,
"Are you ok?"

She blinked and stared at BHK.
"You're not..Sora"

BHK smiled, " I'll find him soon. dont worry." He placed his hand on Nmaines shoulder.
"I promise!" He stood up and examined the ruined hall. This was bound to raise an alarm.

"Look, we've got to get out of here!" Namine agreed and they both made there way through the shadows.

BHK felt as though somehow time was running out.


Aug 21, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
"Void...are you alright?" Leon asked opening the door to his house.

"Nothing I can't handle." Void's voice was cold.

"No one's seen you for a couple of days, we thought something had happened to you." Leon ushered Void in, checked that the street was clear and closed the door.

"You should know by now Leon, I'm harder to kill than most. Enough with the small talk, I know you weren't worried about me really. Where's Sora?" Void turned to face Leon.

"Why? So you can stab him again?" Leon rested a hand on the handle of his gunblade.

Void laughed, "He told you that huh? I had to find out something."


"If he was strong enough. You know at least a little about this," Void touched the handle of his Daito. "You know what it can do. I can't fight with someone who will be weakened by it."

"The heartless?"

"So you know?"

"We had a run in with them...and a strange man. He weiled a huge scythe. The same guy who did that?"

Void made no comment. He glanced around the room and seemed to notice something.

"Sora!" Void's voice was commanding, and as if by magic Sora opened a door into the room.

"What?" Sora stood there with one hand on the handle of the door.

"The time draws ever near. The heartless are coming, I don't know why but something has upset the balence. We need to find the other keybearer. The two of you must go on a mission. To find the Keys of-" Void was cut short by the front door being blown off its hinges.

Time seemed to slow once again for Void's eyes. He turned towards the sound and watched as the door was thrown across he room, directly at Sora. He darted forwards drawing his Daito. He stopped infront of Sora and slashed upwards. Time returned to normal and the two halves of the door crashed either side of Sora, leaving him unharmed.

Before anyone could say anything a figure stepped into the room.

"So you have finally found some power from the sword."

"Zasalamel." Void took a step forwards, his sword pressed up against the back of his shoulder. "Leon, take Sora and go. Try and find Cloud, he will point you in the direction of a safe place. I will meet you there."

"You sure you don't need any help?" Leon had already drawn his gunblade.

"No, just take Sora and go. Teach the kid something useful!"

Leon didn't need telling again, he ran towards Sora and picked him up as he passed, taking him towards the back of the house.

"Don't make me take you down again. I will kill that keybearer."

"Not today."


Void had given up trying to remember the name of the spell. It seemed like he had hung there for an eternity. The warmth that had kept him company was fading. He could barely feel it now.

A tear fell from his eye. It rolled down his cheek and hung from his jaw line before dropping into the darkness that surrounded him.

This is the end, thought Void. All that running and this is where I will die. Alone, cold and no where near my home. So cold...if only I could remember that fire spell.

"FIRAGA!" Void screamed the word as loud as he could, it hurt so much to draw breath now.

Suddenly his world shifter perspective. It no longer felt as though he was hanging from a wall, but lying on the ground. The sword that had pinned him to a wall for so long had started to low faintly. What looked like motlen fire was running beneth the surface of the metal, as if the core of the sword was on fire.

"Rise. Rise from the sword and gain your true power."

The words just seemed to form in his head, as if the sound had bypassed his ears and just filtered into his brain.

Void pulled up his knees and put his feet flat on the floor. Gritting his teeth he began to push up. Slowly his body lifted form the ground, sliding up the blade of the sword. He could feel the warmth returning. It radiated from the sword all through his body.

Slowly, so slowly he pushed himself upright. Almost there, he could feel it. Void couldn't look down, only straight up. He didn't want to see the sword sliding through his body.

Suddenly there was no resistance and he fell forward. Putting a hand on the ground to stop himself from collapsing he turned and took a grip of the sword. He took a few seconds to breath. Then he pulled the sword from the ground and held it above his head.

A wind roared past him from no where and a huge flash of fire tore across his vision. In the light he could see countless skeletons around him, obvious remains to those who could not gain the swords powers.

The fire passed and Void had changed. He was dressed in a black sleevless shirt with leather trousers and heavy, mid-calf high leather boots. From his waist hung an open front skirt that was Obsidain in colour. Suspended at the base of his back was a black saya from the sword he held in his hands. His already long hair had turned an Obsidain colour and flicked in the wind that rushed past him.

The wind died and Void sheathed the sword. He took a step forwards and words came to his lips that he had never heard before. Void vanished from that place, and never returned.


Zasalamel rushed forwards bringing his scythe back ready to slice at Void's neck. As the sycthe's blade arced round it whistled through the air. Void ducked, leaving nothing for the deadly blade to make contact with. He rolled to the side and rose bringing his sword round, ready for an attack.

Zasalamel grunted and used the momentum of the scythe to attack again. Void stepped into the attack and block the scythe easily with his sword.

"Leave Zasalamel before you do something that will make me kill you." Void pushed hard against Zasalamel's weapon and forced him back. He brought the Daito over his head for his own attack, but was blocked by the long shaft that made the handle of the scythe.

"Fool. I had thought that our last encounter would have shown you that it is I who is the stronger. Though I see that I need to have taken your eyes. I wonder, is it thanks to the sword you are still able to see?" Zasalamel jumped back, swinging the scythe at Void's torso.

Void bent over backwards to dodge Zasalamel's attack, landing on his back. Flicking his body back onto his feet Void ran towards Zasalamel who began to spin his scythe around his body. A wind picked up in the room and formed a whirlwind around Zasalamel.

As Void flew through he air towards Zasalamel he could see that the scythe seemed to have a random path through the whirlwind, creating a deadly future for him.

Void took hold of the Daito's handle with both hands and ploughed into the whirlwind. Again and again he knocked the scythe away from him, but again and again it was carried round by the powerful wind and hurled at him.

He pushed forwards, growing closer to Zasalamel. Everything seemed to be going so if he were moving at an incredible slow speed. Then, almost as quickly as the duel had begun Void was thrown from the other side of the whirlwind and landed in a crouch, his sword held out to his right side.

The whirlwind died and Zasalamel crashed to the floor, his scythe spinning into the ground and embedded its blade.

Void walked over to Zasalamel but could see that he had done all the damage he needed to. He was still alive, but only just. A huge gash lashed across his neck.

"Remember this fight well Zasalamel. You will not take he life of the keybearer, any keybearer." Void sheathed his sword and walked across the trashed room and exited through the door the Leon and Sora had used.



INFO: Sorry for the big long one! :( I got carried away lol. I hope you didn't get a really weird image of Void when he gained the Daito. I took inspiration from this webpage and picture, Kadaj (not AC :( ), again, sorry for an SP's, etc. It's late and I'm tired and I can't spell anyway! :p ha!


Aug 21, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
Of course you're not! Just give details about your character (see first few posts) and post your section of the story! Just find a way to fit it in ;)

Aug 13, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
Zasalamel writhed in pain on the floor. He had been defeated, and defeated well. However, a broad smile came across his lips, as he struggled, to raise himself off the floor.

"Hm, the dark arts. I was wondering when he would remember"

Zaslamel collasped on the floor again, his strength leaving him. he knew he had to pursue Sora, Leon and Void quickly, or he would lose them.

The gash on his neck seared with pain. Yes, this was the true power of the Daito, finally beginning to realise its own true power. Zasalamel struggled to his feet again, and then looked at his death scythe, the Kafziel.Yes, it has happened. Exactly as he had planned. Void had no idea that the Kafziel and the Daito shared a connection. As one grew stronger, so did the other. He collasped to the floor a third time, unable to rise. Staring at the Kafziel, Zasalamel muttered "Return" and his golden eye sparkled golden. The Kafziel, shot out of the ground, and high into the air, before reutning and burying its deadly blade into Zasalamel's heart.

Zasalamel yelled in pain. Surely, the whole twon must have heard this. After a few seconds, he was silent again. He laid there, seemingly lifeless until he sprung back onto his feet. He removed the scythe from his chest, and smiled as his own blood trickled to the floor. The then positioned his scythe over the blood, and utterted the word "curaga".

The blood seemed to have a life of its own, all the drops of blood created by his own scythe stabbing him, joined into one pool, the crawled up his body to his chest, to enter the huge wound there. The wound sealed, and the scythe stopped glowing. Zaslamel looked at it, and knew it had changed. A few more battles with void, and it would be restored to its former full power.

Zaslamel hastily exited the door by with Sora, Void, and Leon had left.

On his way, he came across and young woman, wielding a handgun. Surely, she would have seen which way Sora, Void, and Leon had went.
With no time for small talk, Zasalamel rushed over to her, and grabbed her by the shoulder, and demanded where they went.

"What?? Who are you? Get away from me,"

The girl didn't hesistate to shoot Zaslamel right away, three shots all in his chest connected, but didnt seem to affect him. He stood there, emotionless, and closed his eyes. He muttered under his breath, then clenched his fists. He opened his eyes then opened his hand, and the three bullets fell to the floor.His attention was then distracted by some heartless who were headed to the north, and he knew that a keyblade must be attracting them. He picked up on the the bullets, inspected, and then handed it back to the girl

"I would have expected better from a protege of Leon,"he said,begining to walk away. "and some advice, girl. Save your ammunition for the heartless. You'll be needing every shot."

As Zasalamel walked away, he smiled, and uttered some dark words once again. Heartless swarmed around the young girl, and Zaslamel carried on walking to the north, in pursuit of Void, and the keyblade wielder.


Apr 16, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
BHK had finally found Traverse Town with Riku and King Mickey. Sora was close, he could feel it.
"We'll need to find Cloud and Leon!" Mickey suggested.
"Something is wrong here, theres so much darkness!" Riku complained examining the area.
It was then that the heartless apeared.
"How!? the keyhole was locked!" Mickey gasped.
The heartless rushed north towards them.
Each one drew its blades and BHK noticed a strange figure aproaching wielding a scythe. At fist he thought it was Marluxia but he could feel the power of the heartless present in him.

The heartless approached and were easily stopped by Mickey's magic. Diz appeared behind them.
"That man! You can use him to find Sora! But be careful, we have kept a close eye on him. All we know is that he goes by the name Zasalamal! His enormous power and must not be underestimated"

The heatless continued to rush in on them as Diz vanished.
"They're attracted to our keyblades!" Riku explained.

BHK continued to stare at Zasalamal and suddenly found himself in the dream-like darkness. He new what to do and rushed forward across the heartless sign, ignoring the heartless. He found himself infront of some stairs leading to an Arched window with sybols inscrbed in them. Ansem appeared infront of him and grined.

"You're power is increasing! You've made it this far!" He seemed shocked at the young keybeared. "Just like him!"

BHK gasped at this comment and was returned to Traverse Town.Zasalamal was getting closer. BHK had no intention of talking to him as he powered up his keyblades.

@Revolutionary But Gangsta: Time for a good fight :up:
Aug 13, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
Zasalamel could not belive his luck. It would appear as thoygh Sora, Void, and Leon, had escaped him, but in his place he had found two other keyblade wielders. His golden eye tingled. He could see this keyblade wielder was not as timind as Sora.

"Very well. I had no intention of fighting you, keyblade wielder. But I see there is no other choice."

Zasalamel was about to strike, but he then cast his eyes over BHK's companions.

He was shocked to see King Mickey, and another person that he could not reckognise, each prepared to battle him also.

"I see the odds are against me. I should fix that" said Zasalamel as he chanted under his breath.

His scythe levitated over each of his opponents, then returned to him. He then looked at King Mickey, Diz, and BHK, and slowly said "rise".

Their shadows rose up from the ground, and rushed to Zasalamel's side.

"Fool. You think you can defeat all three of them alone? You truly are a failure"

These words uttered by that familiar voice angered Zasalamel, but he reamined calm.

"This, keybalde wielder, is where your journey ends"

On those words, that shadowy figures of King Mickey, Diz and BHK attacked their owners, and Zasalamel rose into the air. He reamined there, with his eyes shut, and summoned a darkside to assist in the attack.

This was as much as his body would currently allow him to undertake. He knew that in this state he was very vunerable to attack, but he also knew that the shadows and the heartless should prove enough of a distraction to potect him from too much harm.

"Obtain the keyblades. Now"

The darkside obeyed. He slowly turned around, and shuffled towards BHK, who was valiantly fighting his shadow.


Apr 16, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
BHK leaped over his shadow and swung his blades.
"Damn it!" he shouted as he was knocked back.

It was then that his dark keyblade began to glow. A voice echoed in his mind
"The keys to darkness!" BHK regained his strength and tore through the shadow. Light was pouring out of the blade and damaged the heartless around him.

Zasalamel's darkside dived for BHK who unnaturally dodged the attempt. He span round and attacked the darkside. It had little effect but he didnt stop there. He propelled himself towards the darksde and continued to slice at it.

BHK landed and stared at his dark keyblade. It seemed to have a strange reaction to Zasalamel's power.

"I need to find Sora, but i wont let you near him!" He grinned holding his blades tight. Riku and King Mickey were to busy fighting their own shadows giving Zasalamel the fair fight he wanted.

Dark and light power seemed to be eminating from BHK. Something was going on.


Aug 7, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
"NOOOOO!"*the heartless swarm all over the girl then large bursts of energy start shooting out of the the large pile of heartless...wielding 2 smg*Leave me alone! I got to get out of here!I'm going to be more open to people from now on...*running quickly to get away from them she notices they run away after hearing the sounds of a battle going on*O boy I wonder whats going on now! *seeing the large battle of these people holding barbaric weapons*Why would some one use a key as a blade?*drawing out her sniper to see close up of the battle*Now who should i help...
any one may decide who i shot if i shot because i intended this to be a very accurate powerful weapon..but its yawls story. im romantics sister i guess you could say i live with him and he was loged on first that why i posted as him.


Apr 16, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
RomanticWolf said:
"NOOOOO!"*the heartless swarm all over the girl then large bursts of energy start shooting out of the the large pile of heartless...wielding 2 smg*Leave me alone! I got to get out of here!I'm going to be more open to people from now on...*running quickly to get away from them she notices they run away after hearing the sounds of a battle going on*O boy I wonder whats going on now! *seeing the large battle of these people holding barbaric weapons*Why would some one use a key as a blade?*drawing out her sniper to see close up of the battle*Now who should i help...
any one may decide who i shot if i shot because i intended this to be a very accurate powerful weapon..but its yawls story. im romantics sister i guess you could say i live with him and he was loged on first that why i posted as him.
who are you in the story??:confused: you havent even intorduced your caharcter have you.
If possible try not to kill any of it will ruin both mine and revolutionary's story.:(
Aug 13, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
Zasalamel sensed the power awakening within BHK. In his unconcious state, he managed a smile. Through this power in BHK, he was able to communicate directly to his mind

"Can you feel it, keyblade wielder? The darkness within your heart awakens"

The darkside abruptly stopped attacking BHK, and instead approached KIng Mickey.
The king, occupied by his own shadow, was unaware his was bieng appraoched until it was too late. Before he knew, he was trapped in a ball of darkness. The same fate befell Diz.

After trapping Mickey, and Diz, the darkside collasped into a wave of darkness, which was absorbed into Zasalamel. Zasalamel's eyes opened, and the shadows instantly dissapeared.

He dropped back to the floor, and picked up his scythe. "Now, we shall test your new strength shall we?"

Without warning Zaslamel unnaturally moved towards BHK, and salshed him across the chest, before returning to his original postition.

"Don't dissapoint me"

OOC- yeah, if you're going to attack one of us, dont say that you pick one of us off with your sniper rifle, lol.


Apr 16, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
BHK gasped at Knig mickey and Diz. Riku had dissappeard and it was up to BHK. He turned round and listened to Zasalamel. He didnt notice Zasalamel even make a move when he was hit. he rolled back and stood up ina battle stance.

"i wont!" He twirled his keyblades and cast aeroga around himself. This would atleast cause minor damage he thought as was sprinted towards him. He leaped over an oncoming attack and cast Firaga.

This was deflected by Zasalamel's scythe. BHK shouted casting graviga. This forced Zasalamel to crawl on the floor. BHK jumped and slashed at Zasalamel. he sensed a weakness in him.

"I take it you've already had a fight today?" He back flapped away allowing Zasalamel to get up.


Aug 21, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
*LovelyLady: Can you try and write in paragraphs rather than the who asterix thing? And if you are going to have any conversation put it in "". Take alook at our posts if you are confused by what I mean.*


Blood ran down Voids arms and dripped from his fingers. He balled his fist and dug his fingers nails into his palm.

He ran as fast as he could to catch up with Leon and Sora. His new ability showed him he path they had taken.

After a few minutes of running he could hear the distant sounds of battle. He listened and hoped that who ever it was would win against the Heartless.

Suddenly the trail he was following stopped. A hand came out of the shadows and touched his shoulder.


"Leon, is Sora safe?"

"I'm fine." Sora stepped out of the shadows. "Are you ok?"

Void nodded. "Sounds like a fierce battle. Do you think that we should leave?"

"It would be be-" Leon began but was cut off by Sora.

"What?!? No! We have to go help! What if its the others?"

Void and Leon looked at each other. Leon shrugged.

"Alright." Sighed Void. "Come on."

Void touched their shoulders and and the melted away.


They reappeared on a roof op above the battle. A stray Fire spell glaced off the wall below them and roared into the sky.

"It's the other bearer." Said Void.

"The....other.....bearer?" Sora said quietly looking down on the battle.

Void drew his sword and jumped off the building. He began his fall of thirteen stories. Window after window flew past...2...5...7...10...Void turned his body over and landed on his feet.

Dust curled around around his feet and his skirts flared out around him. Neither BHK or Zasalamel noticed him, both too engrossed in thier fight.

Void watched for a few seconds. The key bearer seemed to be a good fighter, but was slowly beginning to wear down.

Void ran towards the fight, holding his sword behind him. He lunged forwards, his feet raising from the ground. He swept through the two fighters knocking both the keyblades and scythe aside.

Flipping over he pushed off a wall and directed himself straight towards Zasalamel. However, he jumped out of the way before Void could hit him.

"Stay out of this fight Void!" Shouted Zasalamel.

"" Said Void in a low voice.

"What?!? This is my fight!"

"Leon and Sora are on the roof top, they will meet you down the road. Run."


"RUN!" Commanded Void. He slashed his Daito towards BHK who jumped back, avoiding it. He looked at Void, puzzeled and then ran. "You and me again Zasalamel....."




Apr 16, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
BHK was too obsessed at the fight that it took him a whle to realise that Void mentioned Sora. Riku re-appeared behind him with King Mickey and Diz beside him.

"Sorry about that!" he grinned, "had to save mickey and Diz!"

BHK nodded toward sthe roof and Riku laughed as load as he could. "Sora!!!"
All 4 of them left Void to his re-match.

As they joined the rest, Riku introduced Sora to BHK and vice versa.

The dark power had left him since he met Sora.

"Friends?!" They both laughed and clapped hands.
Aug 13, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
Zasalamel stared hard at void. He was furious as Void had lost him both the keybearers. He readied his weapon, but then looked hard at Void. Something had changed.

"Very well void," He said, chanting under his breath. He stepped towards void, but as he swung back to strike a blow, he instatntly collaspsed to the floor. He head was ringing with a sharp senssation. He was in unbeliavable pain. Knowing that Void was celever enough to use this opportunity to dispose of him once and for all, he cut a samll hole through time and space, and crawled through.

What he didn't see was Void jumping in after him just before the hole closed

Zaslamel was in a familar place. Hollow Bastion. He was thrown forward bbut an unearthly wind straight towards the structure, and pass thorugh its walls moving through them until he reached the throne room. There, waiting for him was a creature with no body, wearing a hooded top, making his face impossible to see.

"Failure," the voice said. Nobody could mistake who it was now. "My time draws near, boy. You should surrender while you still can. Surrender now, and become powerful.

"Never," Zasalamel said, clenching his scythe. "I trusted you once, and you almost destroyed me,"

"But son," Ansem said, creeping closer, "How long do you think these fools can escape me? It is only a matter of time before I truly return. Do you not wish to be by your father's side?

"You are no father of mine," Zasalamel said, staring at the floor.

"FOOL,!" Ansem roared, and he knocked zaslamel down to the floor with a strange spell. "I am the only father you know, and you WILL do my bidding. Everything you have become is because of me, and me alone. You are a servant of the darkness and nothing more!"
Ansem hit zasalamel with his spell again, and Zasalamel roared in pain. He could feel his lif edging away from him as Ansem stooped over him.

"A pitiful excuse for a being," he said shaking his head. You will do as we originally planned. You will awaken the daito, and you will show the keybearer his true nature and destiny. When that is completed, I will dispose of you."
Ansem removed his hood.

Zasalamel was back in the battle. He looked around for Void, but he was nowhere to be seen. Just as he turned around, Void sslashed him with the daito in the shoulder, and he jumped back in pain. The wound re -opened.
However, Zasalamel was too furious to lose twice in one day. Zasalamel ran towards Void, furiosly slashing at him with his scythe. Void parried the blows well, until he was caught across the chest by Zasalamel's deadly blade.

"A sword of such power is wasted on the likes of you Void," Zasalamel sneered.
"Prove to me that you can use it well, or I may have to take it from you,"


Apr 16, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
Sora and his new party stared at joey.
"Do we trust her?" wondered BHK,
Sora smiled and nodded, "Lets help her!"
Leon jumped down from roof to roof only to escape a deadly spell being cast from the two fighters.
"You can do it Void!" He muttered as he picked the girl on to his shoulders.

"How's Kairi" riku smiled,
"Fine, but it was different without you!" he stared to the ground,
"We need to get her back!"
It was then that Diz re-appeared behind them,
"She's trouble!"
"I've sent some to get her!"Diz explained,"If Ansem were to come back then he will be in grave danger!" Sora, BHK, Mickey and Riku gasped.

Leon finally returned with the girl,
Diz moved forward and healed her.
"We've got to find Cloud!" Leon suggested,
"It isnt just Ansem who's behind this!" He stood straight,
"there are many entity's behind this and im afraid it may be Cloud's nemesis too!"
Sora gasped," But how?! we defeated him in the tournament!"
Leon explained, "That was just a tournament, you have yet to see Sephiroth's power!" he feared.
Sora agreed, "Dont forget about the rest!"
leon laughed, "im sure yuffie and the others will manage to find us somehow!"


Aug 23, 2005
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Where would you like me to be?
llUnited Kingdom
A dark sape crept towards kairi. 'Oh, no not another heartless', she though as she felt herself sliding into unconciousness. The shape stopped and looked straight at her. Moving it's cloak aside it reached for a gleaming sword- or was it a keyblade? In three powerful moves the heartless disappeared. 'Thank you', kairi whispered, struugling to stay awake. 'My pleasure, it's been a while, hasn't it princess?' The stranger moved forward. 'How have you been? I've missed you.' Now fully awake, kairi sat up and began to run away. Her helper grabbed her arm and made sure she could go no further. 'Aren't you happy to see me?' he whispered? 'I've been so lonely.' Kairi screamed loudly but he put his hand over her her mouth. 'Hush Princess, I wn't hurt you. Not yet.' Slowly he reached up and pulled the hood off so kairi could see his face and he smiled at her shock upon seeing him. It was Ansem.


Apr 16, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
Diz re-appeared to the gang,
"Its awful! the people i sent have been slaughtered!"
The rest gasped. BHK took hold of Zoey," Calm down! We have to go, if you want to come you can!" he smiled, "In time you'll find out whats happening.

"Kairi!!!" Sora shouted, He looked at Rkiu who nodded back. All of them disappeared through a portal, Leon looked over his shoulder, "Hang in there, im sure cloud will come if you ever need help!" he muttered.

They all entered the portal one by one, BHK stopped and turned round and looked at Zoey, "you coming!" and left.

They re-appeared inside a building with organisation members dead.
Sora impatiently scanned the bodies in search of Kairi. Riku stopped at the entrance to a room. BHK and Sora joined him and saw a heartless sign glowing on the walls.

"He's back!" Diz spoke with no expression.
"This is no place to be, we have to get out of here as quick as possible!" Mickey replied.

BHK stared at the sign and felt someone pulling at his heart.


Apr 16, 2005
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llUnited Kingdom
BHK stepped back, fear rising in him. He looked round the rooms, blood everywhere, he saw Joey come in, which slightly cheered him up.It was then that a heartless appeared. It seemed deformed in every way and resembled a werewolf without the hair. It eyes glowed red and it was heading for Joey.

Without thinking he threw his keyblade, sending it spinning through the beasts chest. The keyblade re-materialised in his hand as he ran towards Zoey. The beast Roared back to life and was knocked back by leons gunblade. several bullets pierced his chest before Sora delivered the finishing blow.

"We must search the area a bit more! there is something drastically wrong! these heartless arent meant to be this way!" Diz ordered as the party pulled itself together.

"thanks for coming!" BHK nodded at Zoey, "friends?" he laughed.