Is no one going to run a text-based adventure in the Adventurer's Guild?

Dr Zaius

Chief Defender of the Faith
May 1, 2001
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The Forbidden Zone
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llUnited States
It will take some time to get this section going, but I think it will get moving once people see some activity in here.

Double Deuce

Forum Conscript
Dec 15, 2002
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Crossville, TN
llUnited States
I would have no idea where to start something like that BUT I would like to see something get started. Nothing beats a good story.


Dec 14, 2002
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I run an Alternity game when I run one at all.

I can run pure out of the manual with no alterations.

I also have a custom made fantasy modification entirely of my own creation to rolegame in the cliche Dungeons and Dragons style, but with Alternity designed mechanics instead.

Naturally, I can also run the game in modern mode with no off world futuristic scifi element.

The common element, it's Alternity, and that means cheat proof, player friendly, PC generation processes that don't even require I be involved.

The PC generation process uses a finite fixed sum of stat points with established minimums and maximums. Essentially you make your stats exactly what you want them to be. All other stats are merely derivatives of those 6 stats. Hence I don't need to be there, and if your PC sucks, it's because you're clueless about what you wanted :)

That said, I have never run an adventure through text interaction online before.

Do I recruit a fixed number of interested individuals?
Will I be given an invite only sub forum under my own use control?
Do I pick specific times to be present to play the game in real time?
Is a mIRC chat program better at doing this?
Would a common IM program like Yahoo be better?
For the last two comments, I guess the forum would then just be for messages updates and information for the ongoing game.

Have I clearly missed what a text based adventure is even really about?

I am assuming I would perform all die/dice rolls. I would then not have to worry about verification. If people wouldn't or couldn't trust me, then I guess I'd have to live with that. Not like I as game runner couldn't do whatever I wanted if that was my only interest. Credibility would be mandatory if I expected anyone to return.

Then of course there is the matter of no shows. How would I deal with a person that drops out be it good reason or not.

A lot of the above issues influence ordinary paper n pencil rolegaming as well of course. I participate in a 7 person group, consisting of 30 up to 45 year old adults. Jobs, family etc all influence us, but we all made the choice to value the game and each other's time enough that no one ever utters the phrase "it's just a game". Because everyone's time is valuable to the specific individual naturally.

That all said, some input would be nice. Especially if I have greatly misread what the heck this text based adventure thing is all about.

Every day is a saturday in my life (I was not asked if I liked that though).
I can easily be available, if I can nail down exactly what is involved.
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Dr Zaius

Chief Defender of the Faith
May 1, 2001
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The Forbidden Zone
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llUnited States
Over the coming weeks, I'm going to enhance this RPG area with additional resources to make it easier and more fun to get an adventure going.
Nov 7, 2004
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Far Northern CA
llUnited States
If anyone wants, I could set up a Soldiers of Fortune/Spec Ops game with RECON, Probably set it in South/Central America.

System is simple, Roll d100 for your stats, Pick two MOSes, Pick skills, Roll for skill and weapon ranks, Roll d100 and d10s for most other things.

Stats consist of Strength, Alertness and Agility.

ST covers how much damage your soldier can take before being killed, How much they can carry, How far they can throw grenades and such.
AL is for finding traps and such.
AG covers hand to hand combat, Getting out of the way of traps and stuff like that.

MOSs cover stuff like Heavy Weapons, Medic and RTO (Duh), Mercs get a few more special ones like Tanker, Pilot and PBR Captain, They each give you a number of skills in each group, You roll for how good you are at something and then can buy ranks in it at a later point as you gain EXP.

Weapons deal a number of D10s for every bullet (Eg, M-16 deals 3d10+10), You fire 3 bullets per round with a semi-auto weapon, 2 with a bolt-action/shotgun and 5 or 7 with an automatic weapon, The Squad Auto Gunner can fire 10 shots with a M60/Other LMG but at a -10 penalty, You roll for every bullet to see if it hits and then roll for damage, Because characters/NPCs have around 40-70 hitpoints they normaly go down in one or two shots.

Modifiers are based on the type of combat: Turky Shoot, (Characters are in wait for a hostile unit) Stand Up War (The characters come to the edge of the forest and engage a hostile unit) and Ambush (The characters come under fire from hostiles under cover and concealment), They range from -0 in the first round of a Turky Shoot to something like -60 for the characters in the first round of a Ambush, As the characters/NPCs move to cover it drops to -40.

If anyone wants, I'll talk about the system a bit more tomorrow.
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Dec 14, 2002
Reaction score
Red star, a very combat heavy sounding game (nothing wrong with that).

How are you planning to handle the verification of the dice rolls?

I've roleplayed Rolemaster, and I am perfectly aware, it isn't "impossible" to roll a 100, but it is also possible to roll a 01 too :)

No one is going to want the 01, but they will sure want that 100 :)
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Far Northern CA
llUnited States
Yeah, The game is fairly combat heavy, The settings it comes with are Vietnam/Laos and two made up areas of the world which mirror South/West(I forget) Africa and Latin America.

I've seen a website (I forget the URL) where you enter the number and type of dice to roll and it shows you the results and sends a email with the results to the game master so you can't cheat. ;)

Or as I've seen done on other play by post games, The GM does all the rolling or the game is played in a IRC room with a dice bot.