Confusion comes in if I've always played this wrong. DFF'd a MG by a HS at a unit (did not use the HS IFP because I was firing a MG per A7.352) not retaining rate I marked them with a First Fire counter. I then SFF the HS half IFP vs. a non-adjacent target (but closest enemy target) and flipped the counter to the Final Fire side. I thought this use of SFF was legal always, but my opponent points out A7.352 that the HS loses IFP until CC or end of Player Turn. But I had pointed out A7.353, anyhow here's how the conversation goes:
"but if the HS fires the HMG, he loses his IFP for the rest of the phase...check 7.352"
"As for the halfsquad with the MG, A7.352 says they lose their IFP for rest of the turn [EXC: 7.353]
Looking at 7.353, this is where they can figure with half IFP as SFF. So basically, the halfsquad loses opportunity to fire a DFF shot if they fire SW, but still can fire SFF at half IFP. Just as a full squad can fire SW plus full IFP DFF, or two SW and in both cases fire SFF at half IFP. Just a clarification, pretty sure I'm right about this, but have been known to mess up even the basics on many occassions Wanting to make sure we're on the same page for this one, pretty fundamental and want to be getting it right. "
"Regarding 7.353, depends what you group the " vs adjacent units" with. Only final fire or with all of them? Is it an exception for fire against adjacent units or is it global. I'm thinking its a special case for adjacent unit fire only otherwise it doesn't make sense at all. It contradicts 7.352 pretty much completely if its global. You have to ask why did they include the text "vs adjacent units" at all if it only applied to Final's redundant.
Will check the example to see if it includes any SFF against non-adjacent units. "
So can the HS SFF its half IFP vs. a non-adjacent enemy after having fired the MG or only vs. adjacent enemy units?
Confusion comes in if I've always played this wrong. DFF'd a MG by a HS at a unit (did not use the HS IFP because I was firing a MG per A7.352) not retaining rate I marked them with a First Fire counter. I then SFF the HS half IFP vs. a non-adjacent target (but closest enemy target) and flipped the counter to the Final Fire side. I thought this use of SFF was legal always, but my opponent points out A7.352 that the HS loses IFP until CC or end of Player Turn. But I had pointed out A7.353, anyhow here's how the conversation goes:
"but if the HS fires the HMG, he loses his IFP for the rest of the phase...check 7.352"
"As for the halfsquad with the MG, A7.352 says they lose their IFP for rest of the turn [EXC: 7.353]
Looking at 7.353, this is where they can figure with half IFP as SFF. So basically, the halfsquad loses opportunity to fire a DFF shot if they fire SW, but still can fire SFF at half IFP. Just as a full squad can fire SW plus full IFP DFF, or two SW and in both cases fire SFF at half IFP. Just a clarification, pretty sure I'm right about this, but have been known to mess up even the basics on many occassions Wanting to make sure we're on the same page for this one, pretty fundamental and want to be getting it right. "
"Regarding 7.353, depends what you group the " vs adjacent units" with. Only final fire or with all of them? Is it an exception for fire against adjacent units or is it global. I'm thinking its a special case for adjacent unit fire only otherwise it doesn't make sense at all. It contradicts 7.352 pretty much completely if its global. You have to ask why did they include the text "vs adjacent units" at all if it only applied to Final's redundant.
Will check the example to see if it includes any SFF against non-adjacent units. "
So can the HS SFF its half IFP vs. a non-adjacent enemy after having fired the MG or only vs. adjacent enemy units?