i should've done this tutorial before the others, im sorry for the confusion. i'll do my best to explain the basics
layers are really important so make sure you know how to use these.
i'll use my zelda sig as an example:
the layer dialog can be found at the right hand side of photoshop in the corner. if not go to window>layers to make sure its ticked.
its useful if you name your layers, as most of the time you'll be dealing with over 5-6 layers which can be annoying when you can tell which ones they are, so rename them by right clicking the layer name and choosing layer properties. once named click ok:
the order of the layers is important. the higher the position of the layer means that it will come out on top of the rest of the layers, the one right at the bottom will be behind the top layers. so you would place your background at the bottom and this case place the Zelda's at the top. this can be done by simply dragging the layer name up and down.
ive outlined each layer as an example:
heres a quick explanation of what some of the buttons are in the layer dialog:
(1) create a new layer. this is really important and will create a new layer above the selected layer.
(2)delete a layer. you can delete a layer by right clicking and chossing delete
(3) displays the blendings used on the layer. to view them clcik on the little arrow to bring down a drop down list.
(4)opacity. select the blending of the layer from visible to invisble.
(5)blending. select the blending of the layers, really important if you want to make the layer look arty.
see how to use these in the background making tutorial.
(6)toggle on/off. eye indicates that the layer is on (visible), if no eye is present it is off(not in the image)
(7)link. you can attach layers to eachother. useful when making movie images.
Drop shadow
this basically drops a shadow on the previous layer. its pretty simple in the options which asks you the colour and size.
Inner Shadow
this creates a shadow inside the image, the options again are simple. It helps make the layer seem more darker and is similar to Satin.the shadowing starts from the outline and moves inwards.
Outer glow
I use this alot.
it basically gives a glow from the outline outwards.
Inner glow
this works the same way as outer glow but gives a glow from the outlin inwards towards the middle of the layer.
Bevel and Emboss
This gives the layer a 3D outline thus making the layer lift off the canvas.
it also has 2 sub-sections; contour and Texture.
Contour emphasises the 3D look by rounding the edges and corners of the layer. Tetxure gives you the option to add a pattern to the 3D image.
This is actually quite cool as it creates a really nice effect, even though its similar to inner shadow:
U]Colour Overlay[/U]
One of the most useful blenders ever.
its just the same as choosing a colour,lol, it just fills the whole layer. Gradiet overlay is just a gradient filler and the same goes for pattern overlay.
Stroke basically gives the layer an extra outline with a solid colour or gradient.
Its pretty easy to use in the options.
Blending Options Default
this is also useful with the opacity options. theres also a fill opacity which i find really cool when working on text. I usually give my text a glow and make the fill opacity at 0%. see below:

to access it:
Click the little arrow to bring down the brush set list:
there is also another little arrow pointing right, this is what you use to load other brushes.
basically these are custom made brush sets which you can use. (see my background making tutorial)
to get your own custom brush:
1) first you need to fins a good looking. use this one for this tutorial:
2)click download to desktop and save it in:
Program files>Adobe>Photoshop (for me its photoshop CS2)>presets>brushes
3) when its downloaded, in photoshop click that little arrow button in the brush set option to open up a list:
then click on load brushes and find Aedificium_Set3 in the folder which you saved it in.
4) go back to brush head options and scroll down to see and select different designs.
When you use these brushes, never drag them!!!
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Using layers
layers are really important so make sure you know how to use these.
i'll use my zelda sig as an example:

the layer dialog can be found at the right hand side of photoshop in the corner. if not go to window>layers to make sure its ticked.
its useful if you name your layers, as most of the time you'll be dealing with over 5-6 layers which can be annoying when you can tell which ones they are, so rename them by right clicking the layer name and choosing layer properties. once named click ok:

the order of the layers is important. the higher the position of the layer means that it will come out on top of the rest of the layers, the one right at the bottom will be behind the top layers. so you would place your background at the bottom and this case place the Zelda's at the top. this can be done by simply dragging the layer name up and down.
ive outlined each layer as an example:

heres a quick explanation of what some of the buttons are in the layer dialog:

(1) create a new layer. this is really important and will create a new layer above the selected layer.
(2)delete a layer. you can delete a layer by right clicking and chossing delete
(3) displays the blendings used on the layer. to view them clcik on the little arrow to bring down a drop down list.
(4)opacity. select the blending of the layer from visible to invisble.
(5)blending. select the blending of the layers, really important if you want to make the layer look arty.
(6)toggle on/off. eye indicates that the layer is on (visible), if no eye is present it is off(not in the image)
(7)link. you can attach layers to eachother. useful when making movie images.
I use the blending alot and it helps make the image look really cool. to access the blending options simply right click the desired layer and choose "blending options" to bring up the blending dialog:
Drop shadow
this basically drops a shadow on the previous layer. its pretty simple in the options which asks you the colour and size.

Inner Shadow
this creates a shadow inside the image, the options again are simple. It helps make the layer seem more darker and is similar to Satin.the shadowing starts from the outline and moves inwards.

Outer glow
I use this alot.
it basically gives a glow from the outline outwards.

Inner glow
this works the same way as outer glow but gives a glow from the outlin inwards towards the middle of the layer.

Bevel and Emboss
This gives the layer a 3D outline thus making the layer lift off the canvas.
it also has 2 sub-sections; contour and Texture.
Contour emphasises the 3D look by rounding the edges and corners of the layer. Tetxure gives you the option to add a pattern to the 3D image.

This is actually quite cool as it creates a really nice effect, even though its similar to inner shadow:

U]Colour Overlay[/U]
One of the most useful blenders ever.

Stroke basically gives the layer an extra outline with a solid colour or gradient.
Its pretty easy to use in the options.

Blending Options Default
this is also useful with the opacity options. theres also a fill opacity which i find really cool when working on text. I usually give my text a glow and make the fill opacity at 0%. see below:

brushes are a new thing to me so im not an expert on it.to access it:

Click the little arrow to bring down the brush set list:

there is also another little arrow pointing right, this is what you use to load other brushes.
Mini-Tutorial: Custom Brushes
Custom Brushes can be downloaded from this site:http://browse.deviantart.com/resources/applications/psbrushes/?type=browse&offset=24
basically these are custom made brush sets which you can use. (see my background making tutorial)
to get your own custom brush:
1) first you need to fins a good looking. use this one for this tutorial:
2)click download to desktop and save it in:
Program files>Adobe>Photoshop (for me its photoshop CS2)>presets>brushes
3) when its downloaded, in photoshop click that little arrow button in the brush set option to open up a list:

then click on load brushes and find Aedificium_Set3 in the folder which you saved it in.
4) go back to brush head options and scroll down to see and select different designs.
When you use these brushes, never drag them!!!
- Dont drag
- use as stamps
- dont use the same head more than once
- use different layers to bring out the designs
- dont stick them everywhere, place them strategically (bad spelling!
- see my background tutorial,lol.
- and finally: GET EXPERIMENTING
Meddigo said:I'll just quickly explain and then Sora can do a better tut on it. Get a brush head and just CLICK without moving the brush anywhere, just click once. It creates a coloured area the shape of the brush yes? Now thats all you need to do, everywhere and anywhere you want. I tend to me a bit random and heavy on the bottom layer (but following a good rule Sora told me of not over lapping much) and then on the next layers just highliting or shadowing areas depending on the colour.

now you may post