Emails sent. I have myself and John D playing as the Canadian; Dr. Death and Jeff as the German with Sparky as the alternate. Sparky, pm me your email once again so I can get that material out to you. I will be at ASLOK Friday afternoon in the room before the main hall. I'll be laying out the maps and have all of the counters ready as well. John D, any luck getting plexiglass cut large enough for these monster maps?
Play begins Saturday afternoon; continues Sunday; break for Dave's party (shut game down for the night--Dave's party is too much fun to skip!), then conclude Monday. Then, I'll thank you all for your play and have those T-shirts for you. Dr Death, Sparky and John D send me your T-Shirt sizes once again. Yes, I do write this stuff down then yes, in moments of "Senior panic" look everywhere for where I put this info!!! Sure hope ASL wards off dementia!
But, I have always been weird and cannot blame that on aging.
Always wanted to play a D-Day ASL monster and here it is. Back in the 90's me and Larry Winslow spent most of that ASLOK testing the Tarawa campaign game. This is still one of my best ASLOK memories.