Don Maddox said:
Let me be clear: I am not encouraging anyone to debate or unfavorably contrast any aspects of any wargame if they do not wish to do so. I am simply saying WHQ has no hidden agenda here whatsoever. This is a place for wargamers to talk about wargames. We're all adults here and as long as people act like it, I don't forsee any problems.
Don Maddox said:
Does Harpoon Classic actually have some advantages over Harpoon III? If so, what?
I feel that I have been able to help some folks with these types of questions in the past without stirring up too much controversy so I will try to answer both of these messages. Firstly, I don't like to use words like better/worse, superior/inferior, primitive/advanced, or good/bad because they connote a judgement of quality or preference. Suffice it to say that both games are enjoyable, both try to simulate modern naval / aerial warfare, and both games work.
The best example might be to compare American Football to Canadian Football. Fundamentally, both are enjoyable games with the same basic concepts. Many of the positions, skills, plays, tactics, etc. are exactly the same. However, the rules for each are quite different as are strategies, plays, tactics. Neither is 'better' nor worse than the other. I could go on for pages describing their differences.
This is the same for Harpoon Classic version and the Harpoon3 version. I could describe in detail how I think that each of the different versions attempts to simulate sonar, AI behaviour, ESM, AAW, SAMs,..... but it is probably easier if specific questions are asked. i.e. regarding C&C issues, displays, ECM, AAMs, torpedoes, Databases,...
For example, it is possible to pause the game in Harpoon3 and issue orders before re-starting the game clock. This function is absent from the Harpoon Classic version. Is this good or bad? Some might say that the function is realistic/unrealistic but that is for the player to decide. I will simply tell you that it is available. You don't have to use it.
I think that this is the best way to discuss the different versions. As Joe Friday would say in television series,
Dragnet, "The facts, ma'am. Just the facts."
So, if you could focus your questions just a little bit, I think that this can be a very productive discussion.