Shrapnel Games Steel Panthers WW2 is the only SP to play, it the only SP that has been updated and upgraded since 1998. SPWaW has not been updated since 2004 and does not run or function properly on Windows 10. SP:WW2 is and does.
SP WW2 is the best hands down!
Back in the days when I still played computer games, I have sunk quite some time into the original (?) version of Steel Panthers. Fun stuff. I remember that I liked the 'big guns' creating caters and smoke. And the German 88's were just hell at long ranges just as they were in reality.
SP WW2 might be worth checking out.
A couple of weeks ago, I found another very old computer game, which I used to dabble with looong time ago:
Empire. It is really ancient - from 1977, thus coming a bit after 'Pong' but before 'Pacman'. In fact, Empire is as old as Squad Leader.
Not a complicated game, not even a WW2 wargame, but it was addictive nevertheless. I was surprised to find out, that it still exists after 44 years. For the fun of it, I bought a license for some 20 USD and have revelled playing it again for some time now in its current version (EDCE).
von Marwitz