VEHICLES: Vehicle Crews can never gain Control of Terrain
I like this one as it makes sense. and I think the crew of a destroyed vehicle should be under recall as well. Such crews would tend to leave the battlefield rather than fight unless forced. and using them to control a building especially... (unless it's on their way exiting the board) seems imho to be ahistorical.
This whole thread, which I find very enjoyable, seems to be about clashing philosophies. Gamers versus historical realists.
Gamers may look to " game " the system. After all it isn't reality, it's a game. If the rules don't disallow an action then performing that action is acceptable. They concentrate on what the rules allow with scant regard for historical accuracy. The flavor of history is sufficient or disregarded entirely.
Historical realists see ASL as a simulation of reality. They abhor the manipulation of the rules that the Original Designers never anticipated and gamers may seek out. Sleaze, as it were. ASL is probably the most accurate simulation of WWII combat, equipment and nationalities that exists and such unrealistic actions are flaws that the system would be better without.
Fish and I were predominantly gamers who liked the historical flavor the system offers but were not wedded to it by any stretch of the imagination. Our frequent forays into DYO were where we let imagination run wild and just played with the game. It was sheer bliss and utterly inaccurate. Fun as he'll though.
The point is that the game is there to be played with and enjoyed. Whatever you are looking for ASL either already has or you can give it. Will everyone like any changes you may care to make? Absolutely not and it would be irrational to think otherwise. Who cares? Run your ideas up the flagpole and see how many people salute. SSRs, tournament formats or whatever you like. It all contributes to the game and that's what is really important.
Btw I have routed forward but my sense of direction sucks.