Getting to gold league in Starcraft 2

Scott Tortorice

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
The shadows
llUnited States
It's funny: I was thinking of writing a similar series as soon as I started winning some games...which has yet to happen. :D

Getting to gold league in Starcraft 2

There are some things I’m just no good at. Maths. Skateboarding. Washing my clothes and folding them up in a cupboard before I need them. Before StarCraft II was released, I had assumed its multiplayer segment would be added to this painful list.

My prior experience came secondhand; stories of Korean men fighting other Korean men at the speed of light. I watched a few videos. “Their poor wrists” was all I could think. People said words like ‘APM’ as if they were real things, made jokes about needing more pylons. Haha! What’s a pylon?

StarCraft II makes you play at least five practice matches before you’re allowed onto’s permanently ranked ladder system. I tried one. I knew I’d lose.

I won. I won again. And again. I lost my fourth and fifth games, but we don’t talk about those. I was – as my placement in the silver league now confirmed – Not Bad At StarCraft II. For my spare time, that was bad news.