Was wondering if any of you played the GCACW games such as Grant Takes Command, or the Stonewall series?
If I am not mistaken J.D. Webster, the guy who designed the Fighting Wings series (and Air Superiority as well IIRC) is moving to the Tampa area. FW is the ASL of WW2 air combat. I tried to play it, but I do not think well in three dimensions. I work much better on an ASL board.Janked said:I do not, but Lee has shilled it so well on Consim I am probably going to pre-order it before the price goes up. There is a VASSAL module in the works that looked pretty good and a Cyberboard module as well. It might be my first air game played.
I am amazed. I thought no one actually played that Air War. I bought a copy while in high school and tried to solitaire it once. I don't think I made it through enough turns to turn an a/c more than 30degs before packing it it.RoutePack6 said:We were fanatically playing the old SPI AirWar system with 3D minatures and stands. Couldnt get enough of it, though some of the aerodynamics were wrong. Admiditly, AirWar was extremly complex, more so than any wargame (including ASL) ever produced.
Regarding Confederate leadership ratings, I can comment that I have heard the same about the series that the original poster has - that the Confederate ratings are a touch too high. Maybe they deserve it for the 2nd Manassas, Stonewall in the Valley and Stonewall's Last Campaign games. Consider, however, the ratings of individual Union Corps commanders during the Peninsula Campaign. Most of them won the individual battles in that campaign. The Union lost because of MacClellan. Likewise in the On To Maryland game. Had anybody but Little Mac been in charge at Antietam, there is a decent chance that the war might have ended after that campaign. The Roads To Gettysburg is even more pronounced as Meade and his Corps commanders should have higher ratings than everyone, except Longstreet.Nico said:Old posts but I have to answer
1) System is pro-CSA - I think that soldiers of Army of Potomac would say the same thing about the war between 1861-63, war was pro-CSA !!! (I am talking about eastern theater). In GTC Union corps cmdr are at same level as CSA opponents and overall leadership level of Union army is also improved. Just like it was in reality.
2) 'Last man standing' - never had this problem so I cant say anything, I am playing four campaigns now and each of them are exciting.
In one game Butler has taken Petersburg in may 1864 and I have big problems... maybe sent whole Longstreet corps to help Beauregard..
3) I have never seen 'balanced' scenario. Scenarios have always one problem - You dont have to worry about day after last turn, cause game is ending and that is problem with every game.
Campaign is very diffrent, You must plan carefully and think few turns ahead, those game are best in campaigns....all games are for campaigns :laugh:
5) Get to point Z and win. - It should be add, and inflict as much as possible casaulties to the enemy. In all games You have to take some point/inflict casaulties. But it also should be add 'and hold it'. So it is easy to force march and get to that point, but then Your tired troops will be easily routed by enemy.
For me GCACW games are great. Grant Takes Command and On To Richmond campaign are one of the best. The only thing I am missing is Fog of War...