FrF88 Panzer Shield - AAR

von Marwitz

Forum Guru
Nov 25, 2010
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Kraut Corner
FrF88 Panzer Shield - AAR


This scenario is set on 13. July 1941 in Belarus, shortly after the beginning of Operation Barbarossa. It represents a situation, where the forward German leading Panzer elements, their supporting infantry trailing far behind, are checked by the Russians. In this scenario, the German Infantry force consists but of 1.5 squad equivalents with a single 8-0 and a single LMG and a 88 FlaK Gun. The Russian counter-attack of 13 squads with ample SW and special MOL-mortars but merely a 9-0 Commissar and a single 7-0 Leader is supported by 4 Armored Trucks and two 45L ATGs in tow of Komsomolets tractors must be stemmed by the German Panzers.

Situation at Start of Russian Turn 1 - Game Start:


The Russian setup limitations required them to set up in concealment terrain north of the southermost red dotted line - but importantly at least 4 hexes away from any non-HIP German unit. The latter is what I based my German defensive setup on. I figured, that my scant Infantry would neither be able to stem the Russian tide nor to survive the onslaught anyway, so I set them up as far forward as possible with the intention to restrict and push back the Russian setup as far to the north as possible. This would put 'protective' Grain between me and the Russians, cost him some extra time moving, and most importantly, force most of his troops to set up in the eastern large grainfield and keep the western flank probably free of significant threats. This, in turn, allowed the German tanks to build a Schwerpunkt to counter the Russians and to mutually support each other. One of the German tanks was set up in 33J10 to cover the road against a Russian vehicular flanking move. The powerful 88 FlaK Gun was HIP'ed in FrFA R1 with CA to 33O10 as well to stop any vehicular thrust from that direction. The FlaK Gun being placed a little to the back would further allow it to cover many approaches to the road-net (marked with small 'VC' overlays) the Russian had to reach with 3 unbroken squad equivalents at game end unless he managed to kill 6 German tanks before that. Two Panzers could pretty much over the road cutting through the large Grainfield. I hoped, that the sacrificial placement of the German Infantry would buy me an extra turn of time and possibly provide two Russian Movement Phases in which I could fire at them before they could get across the road through the Grain.

Somewhat to my surprise, my opponent set up his entire OB in the large Grainfield, ignoring the two Orchard hexes and any flank approach by vehicles. He did not opt for setting up a Human Wave, with which multiple stacks could have combined with Platoon Movement of the Armored Trucks and Armored Assault. However, as the Armored Trucks need to pay 5 MP to move through Grain, this would not have gotten them too far anyway. Since the Russians did not set up with their Schwerpunkt on the Eastern edge, they would not be able to cross the road in force, which would give my tanks the first German Turn to paste the attackers again as the protective Grain would have lessened due to their closing in. The single German LMG was well placed to put down a Firelane through the Grain before I expected it to go down.

Situation at the End of Russian Turn 1:


The Russians approached more cautiously that I had expected, using only Assault Move on the eastern flank. My lone LMG Halfsquad performed superbly, laying out a Fire Lane to 33S3 when the first Armored Truck gave it the opportunity to do so, but it also stunned it on top of that. With the FL established, another Russian squad moving ADJACENT was broken by PB inherent FP of the HS. The Fire Lane obviously deterred my opponent from attempting to cross it with Infantry. My tanks opened up in Defensive Fire and were able to take out two Armored Trucks, each with a TH DR of 4. The remaining Russian vehicles were in motion within the Grain and would thus not pose any immediate thread to my Panzers. This went better than I could have expected. Even my lone LMG HS survived into the next turn as no Russians could advance into CC nor take it out before during the AFPh.

Situation during the DFPh of German Turn 1 - Game End:


In my first German Turn, I merely Prep Fired my LMG Halfsquad vs. ADJACENT Russians - to no effect - and the 88 FlaK Gun vs. a Russian squad - the only enemy unit in sight. I could afford the latter, as there was no threat to my western flank. Next I was not sure if I should opt for more Prep Fire and sitting tight or rather taking an offensive stance with my tanks. As two of the dangerous Armored Trucks with their 45L Guns were already destroyed, the MOL-mortars highly unlikely to hit and the other Armored Trucks as well as the ATG Guns (in Tow) still in Motion, I decided to move forward to punch the Russians into the face. My tank from FrFA J10 just had enough MPs to move to a nice spot in FrFA W9. The two Pz IIIF's with their powerful MG armament I moved along the road through the grain to shoot up the eastern Russian flank. This was not really successful and all I managed was to re-DM one squad and break a second one. Nevertheless, these two tanks would be a PITA for the Russians in their next turn, though I found their position was not really safe. I assault moved a Concealed HS in the hope of passing a PAATC later to advance into CC with one of the Komsomolets+ATG in Tow. The remaining Pz IIIG moved ADJACENT to it, too, and even dared to stop, putting it into a menacing position for the next Russian MPh.

In the DFPh, the Russian Infantry - hordes of them - tried to dispose of my pesky and brave LMG HS - without success and even broke one of their LMGs to add insult to the injury. Bad got to worse for my opponent, though: With both Armored Trucks he attempted a luck shot each at my Pz IIIG nearby - malfing the MA of both of them. That was really bad. With two Armored Trucks already destroyed, the other two with malfed MA and both ATGs still in Motion in Tow in an unfavorable postion, my opponent conceded and called it a day. I can't blame him, because he really had had the worst of luck so far.

von Marwitz

dr dull

Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Anybody won this as the russians?What tactics then?