Free Dispatches Issues for Playtesters

Vic Provost

Forum Guru
Sep 18, 2016
Reaction score
Pittsfield, MA USA
First name
llUnited States
Hi guys, we have 2 of the 4 scenarios for Dispatch #58 done with in-house playtesting but need some playings of each by outside playtesters. Both are playable in a tournament time slot of 4 to 6 hours.

The first scenario is a 1944 Recon Meeting engagement between elite Recon troops and light armor of USA army and the Wehrmacht, very close scenario so far.

The 2nd is my look at the Marine assault on the Coconut Grove on Saipan, in front of the main airfield there, late war Marines, armed to the teeth, with LVTs and Shermans for armor support, attacking a key Japanese defense with pillboxes and trenches, the Japanese are a mixed bag but armed to the teeth as well. Bloody PTO Fun!

I would need a report back on either by early August, so plenty of time to give either a try. Anyone who gives either a try gets a free pdf copy of current Issue #57 plus a free pdf copy of #58 when it comes out. If you already subscribe, I'll add 2 issues onto your sub.

So, I sure hope to hear from you, please don't just reply here but send me an e-mail to and tell me which one you want to try.

Thanks in advance and roll low, Vic. 🎲🎲
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