8 scenarios, 1 map, 7 sub-maps, 1 oob, 1 pdt and 1 weapon.dat file are up, and ready for your enjoyment.
This zip packet contains 8 scenarios and several supporting files to go into your FIW main folder. This packet is complete now. (Sorry only 8 scenarios total, not 12.)
These scenarios are hypothetical, mainly Indian vs Indian situations. New map, several sub-maps, a few new ideas, a couple of experimental concepts.
The weapon.dat file in this packet will overwrite the existing stock file, but will do no harm to any existing scenarios or on-going games.
Scenario #1 FIW Indian Lake Series - Hostages
10:00 am, May 5th, 1753 *Hypothetical* - A Mingo hunting party
ran across three Delaware boys, and took them captive. This scenario
revolves around the Delawares' attempt to recover them. NOTES:
The 3 boys are represented as leaders of the Mingo labeled thusly:
'akotcakanea Punaryou' (worth 48 pts if captured); 'akotcakanea
Welunungsi' (24 pts); 'akotcakanea Tongonaoto' (24pts). Players
MUST use the optional rule that awards points for leader casualties
for this scenario to work properly.
Scenario #2 FIW Indian Lake Series - No English Trade
6:00 am, 23rd September, 1753 *Hypothetical* - The Miami have
turned thier backs on the French, and have started trading with
the English. Thier neighbors, the Shawnee and the Potowatami
do not like this idea. They have decided to launch a punative
attack upon the Miami and their English traders.
Scenario #3 FIW Indian Lake Series - Upper Country Visitors
8:00 am 30th November, 1753 *Hypothetical* - The French send
a punative expdition of Huron, Ottawa and Chippewa under Charles
Langlade to put a stop to the English incursion of the Indian
Lake area. Owning villages at the end of the day determines the
Scenario #4 FIW Indian Lake Series - Everybody Fights
6:00 am 23rd, September, 1753 *Hypothetical* - The Delaware,
Iroquois and British join up to fight against a coalition composed
of Miami, Potowatami, Shawnee, Huron, Chippewa and Ottawa warriors.
NOTES: An eight-hour free-for-all. The objective is to eliminate
the opponent's villages. Each village has the families fixed
and disordered to show daily life goes on, and one war party
is kept for local defense and hunitng. Each 'army' has several
war parties taking the offensive. COMMON: (Ojibwe used) baashkizigewin
- ammunition; dasoode - families; miijim - food; nandobani
- war party; ogichidaag - warriors; oshki-ogichidaag - young
warriors (boys). SPECIFIC TRIBES: pullaook lenape - Deleware
of the Turkey Clan; moharala - big bird division; koowahoke -
pine region division; opinghoki - ground oppossum division; lelewayou
- bird's cry division; ongwanonsioñni' - the Six Nations - Iroquois;
gweugwehono - Cayuga; kahniankehaka - Mohawk; onundagaono - Onandaga;
minqua - Mingo; ohskennonton - deer clan; a'nowara - tortise
clan; ohkwari' - bear clan; okwaho - wolf clan; myaamia - Miami;
kilatika band - ? english translation; pepicokia band - ? english
translation; i'ilawa - turkey clan; mongwa - loon clan; hanozawa
- panther clan; ahseponna - raccoon clan; shawano - Shawnee;
mekoche division - ? english translation; namathä' - turtle clan;
pesawä' - horse clan; m'athwa' - owl clan; nishnabek - Potowatami;
mashkode - prairie division; maak - loon clan; kakagshe - crow
clan; penna - turkey clan; Pays d'en Haut - Up Country or Upper
Country (fr); makwa shinob - Chippewa of the Bear gen; mong shinob
- Chippewa of the Loon gen; ojeejok shinob - Chippewa of the
Crane gen; sinago anishinabe - Ottawa of the Grey Squirrel; sable
anishinabe - Ottawa of the Sable; a nyo nye’ wendat - Hurons
of the Bear clan (my own short hand form).
Scenario #5 FIW Indian Lake Series - The Hunt
1:00 pm 2nd February, 1753 *Hypothetical* - It's the dead of
winter, and the tribes are running short of food. Hunting parties
have been sent out to find whatever game they can. Both follow
the snow tracks of a herd of deer. On a snowy day, which tribe
will succeed? Will it be feast or famine back home, tonight?
NOTES: Waawaashkeshii are deer in Ojibwe, on the map they will
look like snow sleds laden with supplies. Each 'deer' counter
will have one strength point, and is worth 10 points each. Half
the herd will be BRITISH deer, and the other half will be FRENCH
deer. (Don't laugh, this could work.) In addition to trying to
position your hunters into positions to 'bag' as many deer as
possible, you can also direct the deer your opponent is hunting
away from him.
Scenario #6 FIW Indian Lake Series - Trent's Ambush
3:00 pm 15th May 1753 *Hypothetical* - Cpt Trent leads his party
of traders toward Indian Lake to establish a trade post amongst
the Indians there. Along the way some Ottawa loyal to the French
intercept them. NOTES: One man is worth One point.
Scenario #7 FIW Indian Lake Series - Trail of Tears
7:00 am 23rd September, 1753 *Hypothetical* - A group of turtle
clan Shawnee families flee from relentless attacks by rampaging
Scenario #8 FIW Indian Lake Series - Indian Warfare
10:00 am 15th May, 1753 *Hypothetical* - A tactical battle with
all the Indians in the OOB involved. The Delaware and Iroquois
join up to fight against a coalition composed of Miami, Potowatami,
Shawnee, Huron, Chippewa and Ottawa warriors. NOTES: A two-hour
free-for-all. COMMON: (Ojibwe used) baashkizigewin - ammunition;
dasoode - families; miijim - food; nandobani - war party;
ogichidaag - warriors; oshki-ogichidaag - young warriors (boys).
SPECIFIC TRIBES: pullaook lenape - Deleware of the Turkey Clan;
moharala - big bird division; koowahoke - pine region division;
opinghoki - ground oppossum division; lelewayou - bird's cry
division; ongwanonsioñni' - the Six Nations - Iroquois; gweugwehono
- Cayuga; kahniankehaka - Mohawk; onundagaono - Onandaga; minqua
- Mingo; ohskennonton - deer clan; a'nowara - tortise clan; ohkwari'
- bear clan; okwaho - wolf clan; myaamia - Miami; kilatika band
- ? english translation; pepicokia band - ? english translation;
i'ilawa - turkey clan; mongwa - loon clan; hanozawa - panther
clan; ahseponna - raccoon clan; shawano - Shawnee; mekoche division
- ? english translation; namathä' - turtle clan; pesawä' - horse
clan; m'athwa' - owl clan; nishnabek - Potowatami; mashkode -
prairie division; maak - loon clan; kakagshe - crow clan; penna
- turkey clan; Pays d'en Haut - Up Country or Upper Country (fr);
makwa shinob - Chippewa of the Bear gen; mong shinob - Chippewa
of the Loon gen; ojeejok shinob - Chippewa of the Crane gen;
sinago anishinabe - Ottawa of the Grey Squirrel; sable anishinabe
- Ottawa of the Sable; a nyo nye’ wendat - Hurons of the Bear
clan (my own short hand form).
I hope you like them.
This zip packet contains 8 scenarios and several supporting files to go into your FIW main folder. This packet is complete now. (Sorry only 8 scenarios total, not 12.)
These scenarios are hypothetical, mainly Indian vs Indian situations. New map, several sub-maps, a few new ideas, a couple of experimental concepts.
The weapon.dat file in this packet will overwrite the existing stock file, but will do no harm to any existing scenarios or on-going games.
Scenario #1 FIW Indian Lake Series - Hostages
10:00 am, May 5th, 1753 *Hypothetical* - A Mingo hunting party
ran across three Delaware boys, and took them captive. This scenario
revolves around the Delawares' attempt to recover them. NOTES:
The 3 boys are represented as leaders of the Mingo labeled thusly:
'akotcakanea Punaryou' (worth 48 pts if captured); 'akotcakanea
Welunungsi' (24 pts); 'akotcakanea Tongonaoto' (24pts). Players
MUST use the optional rule that awards points for leader casualties
for this scenario to work properly.
Scenario #2 FIW Indian Lake Series - No English Trade
6:00 am, 23rd September, 1753 *Hypothetical* - The Miami have
turned thier backs on the French, and have started trading with
the English. Thier neighbors, the Shawnee and the Potowatami
do not like this idea. They have decided to launch a punative
attack upon the Miami and their English traders.
Scenario #3 FIW Indian Lake Series - Upper Country Visitors
8:00 am 30th November, 1753 *Hypothetical* - The French send
a punative expdition of Huron, Ottawa and Chippewa under Charles
Langlade to put a stop to the English incursion of the Indian
Lake area. Owning villages at the end of the day determines the
Scenario #4 FIW Indian Lake Series - Everybody Fights
6:00 am 23rd, September, 1753 *Hypothetical* - The Delaware,
Iroquois and British join up to fight against a coalition composed
of Miami, Potowatami, Shawnee, Huron, Chippewa and Ottawa warriors.
NOTES: An eight-hour free-for-all. The objective is to eliminate
the opponent's villages. Each village has the families fixed
and disordered to show daily life goes on, and one war party
is kept for local defense and hunitng. Each 'army' has several
war parties taking the offensive. COMMON: (Ojibwe used) baashkizigewin
- ammunition; dasoode - families; miijim - food; nandobani
- war party; ogichidaag - warriors; oshki-ogichidaag - young
warriors (boys). SPECIFIC TRIBES: pullaook lenape - Deleware
of the Turkey Clan; moharala - big bird division; koowahoke -
pine region division; opinghoki - ground oppossum division; lelewayou
- bird's cry division; ongwanonsioñni' - the Six Nations - Iroquois;
gweugwehono - Cayuga; kahniankehaka - Mohawk; onundagaono - Onandaga;
minqua - Mingo; ohskennonton - deer clan; a'nowara - tortise
clan; ohkwari' - bear clan; okwaho - wolf clan; myaamia - Miami;
kilatika band - ? english translation; pepicokia band - ? english
translation; i'ilawa - turkey clan; mongwa - loon clan; hanozawa
- panther clan; ahseponna - raccoon clan; shawano - Shawnee;
mekoche division - ? english translation; namathä' - turtle clan;
pesawä' - horse clan; m'athwa' - owl clan; nishnabek - Potowatami;
mashkode - prairie division; maak - loon clan; kakagshe - crow
clan; penna - turkey clan; Pays d'en Haut - Up Country or Upper
Country (fr); makwa shinob - Chippewa of the Bear gen; mong shinob
- Chippewa of the Loon gen; ojeejok shinob - Chippewa of the
Crane gen; sinago anishinabe - Ottawa of the Grey Squirrel; sable
anishinabe - Ottawa of the Sable; a nyo nye’ wendat - Hurons
of the Bear clan (my own short hand form).
Scenario #5 FIW Indian Lake Series - The Hunt
1:00 pm 2nd February, 1753 *Hypothetical* - It's the dead of
winter, and the tribes are running short of food. Hunting parties
have been sent out to find whatever game they can. Both follow
the snow tracks of a herd of deer. On a snowy day, which tribe
will succeed? Will it be feast or famine back home, tonight?
NOTES: Waawaashkeshii are deer in Ojibwe, on the map they will
look like snow sleds laden with supplies. Each 'deer' counter
will have one strength point, and is worth 10 points each. Half
the herd will be BRITISH deer, and the other half will be FRENCH
deer. (Don't laugh, this could work.) In addition to trying to
position your hunters into positions to 'bag' as many deer as
possible, you can also direct the deer your opponent is hunting
away from him.
Scenario #6 FIW Indian Lake Series - Trent's Ambush
3:00 pm 15th May 1753 *Hypothetical* - Cpt Trent leads his party
of traders toward Indian Lake to establish a trade post amongst
the Indians there. Along the way some Ottawa loyal to the French
intercept them. NOTES: One man is worth One point.
Scenario #7 FIW Indian Lake Series - Trail of Tears
7:00 am 23rd September, 1753 *Hypothetical* - A group of turtle
clan Shawnee families flee from relentless attacks by rampaging
Scenario #8 FIW Indian Lake Series - Indian Warfare
10:00 am 15th May, 1753 *Hypothetical* - A tactical battle with
all the Indians in the OOB involved. The Delaware and Iroquois
join up to fight against a coalition composed of Miami, Potowatami,
Shawnee, Huron, Chippewa and Ottawa warriors. NOTES: A two-hour
free-for-all. COMMON: (Ojibwe used) baashkizigewin - ammunition;
dasoode - families; miijim - food; nandobani - war party;
ogichidaag - warriors; oshki-ogichidaag - young warriors (boys).
SPECIFIC TRIBES: pullaook lenape - Deleware of the Turkey Clan;
moharala - big bird division; koowahoke - pine region division;
opinghoki - ground oppossum division; lelewayou - bird's cry
division; ongwanonsioñni' - the Six Nations - Iroquois; gweugwehono
- Cayuga; kahniankehaka - Mohawk; onundagaono - Onandaga; minqua
- Mingo; ohskennonton - deer clan; a'nowara - tortise clan; ohkwari'
- bear clan; okwaho - wolf clan; myaamia - Miami; kilatika band
- ? english translation; pepicokia band - ? english translation;
i'ilawa - turkey clan; mongwa - loon clan; hanozawa - panther
clan; ahseponna - raccoon clan; shawano - Shawnee; mekoche division
- ? english translation; namathä' - turtle clan; pesawä' - horse
clan; m'athwa' - owl clan; nishnabek - Potowatami; mashkode -
prairie division; maak - loon clan; kakagshe - crow clan; penna
- turkey clan; Pays d'en Haut - Up Country or Upper Country (fr);
makwa shinob - Chippewa of the Bear gen; mong shinob - Chippewa
of the Loon gen; ojeejok shinob - Chippewa of the Crane gen;
sinago anishinabe - Ottawa of the Grey Squirrel; sable anishinabe
- Ottawa of the Sable; a nyo nye’ wendat - Hurons of the Bear
clan (my own short hand form).
I hope you like them.
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