Scott, I agree with you 100% about how Fallen Enchantress was an attempt to right the wrongs in Elemental, but at the end of the day the game system may be so fundamentally flawed that there's no recovery for it. The really odd thing is, however, is that it does seem like the upcoming FE expansion is at its core yet another attempt to rework the Elemental system into something tenable. For my part, I abandoned FE several months ago, but just now got around to admitting it to myself. I think my main complaints are the ones we previously discussed. That is, large empire management is incredibly tedious, it's hard to defend cities from end runs by the AI, there's not much incentive to go rpg dungeon crawling at the expense of managing the greater empire, and strategic spell casting was not implemented well. To be fair though, I did think that FE had the best custom faction creator I'd ever seen, and would hope other 4X games would take the queue and implement something similar. I kind of feel sorry for Mr. Wardell though. I mean, you can tell that Elemental/FE was his baby and pet project, and he put his heart and soul into it. It does seem though that the sooner he lets go of it and moves on to something else, the better off he will be.
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