Scott Tortorice
Senior Member

I stuck to the plan I formulated at Andree Arena. Item #1: Purchase an Asp Scout, a vessel more fitted to the rigors of deep space exploration. Here she is, my hulking beaut now christened "Fitzcarraldo":

I like how the Scout handles; it is much more nimble than my old Keelback.
I did break with my plan to dive off of Andree Arena, however. I instead made a stop at Oswald Dock, a large Coriolis station. I came here to see if I could get some better internals for my ship. Didn't really have much luck, though. Good thing I kept some of the "B" and "A" class internals from my Keelback!
One last look at civilization:

And I am out of there and taking my first steps into a larger galaxy:

One such white star gave me a pleasant surprise: it actually contained some humans! About three or four jumps out, I came across 95 Tauri, a star system containing around 700K souls. While the system lacked any orbital stations, it did contain three lunar bases and was quite busy with traffic. I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to refuel at an actual base, so I set down at the largest port, Nansen Silo. It was a nice little city set next to a mountain range:

Yup, it was a bland ball of ice and rock, alright!

I found a flat patch of ice and set Fitzcarraldo down for the night. Looking out the starboard side of the cockpit I could only see ice cubes.

The loneliness hadn't gotten me yet, either. It is weird to see absolutely zero human activity on your scanner. But on the bright side, that also means one less danger to cope with!
Now to finish the great expedition and get my meta-alloys. Hopefully, my ship will still be in one piece when I awaken. If it is, I might even take the ol' SRV out for a drive just to see if there is anything interesting around my landing site. Looking for trouble? Perhaps. :nod:
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