E1.12 Freedom of Movement, elimination in Close Combat a? loss activity?

Aaron Cleavin

Elder Member
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
For purposes of E1.12 Freedom of Movement is elimination in Close Combat of a unit of the attacking side considered to be a concealment loss activity for the unit eliminated?

(Background: Casualty reduction is given as Concealment loss but being killed is not, this leads to the situation that if a unit under No Move Kills a concealed attacking unit at night
it does not Lose No Move, whereas if it CR's a leader and the leader rolls a 5,6 on severity it does lose No Move, also units outside the hex see and hear men dying on the bayonet
but don't lose No Move, whereas if a few die on the bayonet they do lose it as the see the surviving enemy)

The eliminated unit is no longer concealed.


Hmm my bad wording.

Was it momentarily unconcealed (Before death) such that Defenders could lose freedom of movement.

Otherwise If it didn't attack but was killed by the defender no FoM would be gained

>Was it momentarily unconcealed (Before death) such that Defenders could lose freedom of movement.

Yes; FoM gained.
