You're safe.
Since you seem to keep waking up before that giant monstrous feline appears thrashing men, equipment, and structures asunder.
von Marwitz
A:27 Single Cat Counter [SCC]
All SCC's are both LAX and Stealthy. Take a total of 9 KIA to eliminate [EXP]
(18 K results or 36 wounds in one single phase). An SCC will recover all wounds during
its Rph. SCC's are neutral and
CANNOT be added to a side's OOB, even if SSR states [incl, and/or/if Perry says] An SSC can carry 1/4 PP FRD. May not operate a SW [EXP]
(unless under catnip.) An SCC on the map board is a level 1000 obstacle and can cannot be traversed
(even with climbing). When a SCC is on the gaming table each CCPh all units and game counters must take Pass a NTC
(4NTC if SCC in on map board) failure resulting in being pushed randomly off table entirely. If multiple SCC's are in play at any time all penalties and TC's are X2. If SCC is under catnip ALL counters automatically fail and are randomly pushed in all directions from gaming surface (to include all pencils, charts unsecure beverage containment vessels, ASLRB (pocket only) [EXP]
(Full ASLRB if SCC has >1 cat nip). EXP TO ALL (homes with a cat free environment [EXP] (exterior doors left ajar) see also random wild Racoon infiltration, in this case)