I want to participate where possible in these threads, but part of my problem lies in the simple problem, I run Alternity, and not Dungeons and Dragons (by any combinations of numbers and letters).
Alternity, is a design that uses a 20 sided dice, and on the surface, makes it seem like a d20 concept. But, it uses only 4 class types. It uses 6 ability scores, and they are arrived at by just spending 60 points, and keeping them within racial minimums and maximums. Virtually any action is resolved by rolling the d20, and either subtracting a dice roll to make for an easy attempt, or adding a dice roll, and making the attempt harder. You can use any manner of dice as the add on dice type.
Makes for really easy gaming too.
Makes for very straight forward generation of NPCs additionally.
Or, as is often the case, I just basically fake it by hamming it up.
So, as far as using stock enemies, nope, in most cases, the details of the enemy will be lucky to even exist on paper, let alone be based on anything officially published.
I raid official publications mostly for ideas. Thus, my monsters might share a lot in common with something published, but, I won't be feeling constrained to use anything published.