Ahoy Mates! Theres Distant Guns on the horizon!
Norm and I would like to extend our thanks for your interest in our upcoming debut release, Distant Guns. We believe that the time period offers a unique setting for Naval combat.
It is the only period in history where modern naval vessels, armed with the new fangled syncronised electric firing controls and the 1st generation self propelled torpedos exsist without submarines or airplanes!
Another unique fact is almost every ship in the game has torpedos!
I would not worry about a weak AI computer player. So far, its kicked the crap out of every previewer thats taken it out for a sea trail preview! Oleg Mastruko did a preview at The Wargamer and said he thought that it might be the best computer player he has ever seen.
The ballistics model may also be the most realistic ever released. Every shell fired appears physically in the game, tranverses it's actual ballistic arc, and is resolved visually in the game. Yu can even turn on the shell cam and ride the latest shell all the way to the target! (Slim Pickens would have loved this feature....)
We still have about a month or so left in development, so stay tuned!
As for future plans for the engine, NOrm and I plan on taking over the world.....:]
(wait till you see the walls blow up at Hugomount.....or maybe take IVAN out for a spin...)
Norm may try and drop by later tonight or tomorrow.