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That's an amazingly irresponsible response to make as a scenario designer, IMO.3) Include some “general” rules, which aim to reduce extremely “gamey” solutions to the puzzle, so as to make these simply standard of play. Mark calls these “grudge rules” and I do not object to the term. Anyone who disagrees with us if free to play without these “General” rules – just do not blame the designers if Kindling or the intentional Rubbling of victory buildings ruins your game.
"Grudge SSR", when they occur, are the scenario designer saying one (or possibly several) of the following things:
"I don't like this rule. Therefore it is abolished."
"I don't know what this rule will do to my scenario and I can't be bothered finding out. Therefore it is abolished."
"I've always believed that ASL should have a rule for <thing>. Therefore I have introduced it and you must use it."
In all three cases the scenario designer is not presenting his scenario to the ASL audience; he is presenting his opinions and telling his audience to "suck it, do what I tell you".
When I'm playing your scenario, it has become my game. When I'm playing my game the scenario designer has no right to tell me how I should play, what rules I should or should not employ, nor should I have to put up with his opinions. SSR that set up how the scenario "works" -- that's completely fine and expected. SSR that change how ASL works -- not so fine (usually). I want to play my game with your design. I have no great interest in playing your game. Sell it to someone else.
There are scenarios where, for example, allowing kindling could dramatically alter the balance of that scenario in one player's favour, in a way that doesn't add any enjoyment to the play of the game. In such scenarios, it's completely right and proper to make kindling NA.
The trouble is, I'd be surprised if more than about 10% of scenarios that feature a "kindling NA" SSR would actually be significantly affected by that SSR. Kindling is not easy to accomplish and there's no way (usually) to guarantee that it will do what you need it to do. It's not that often, especially in "modern" tournament-style designs, where either side has the time and resources to spare for that kind of dickery -- there are usually more important things to do. (I've even seen one or two cases where deliberately setting fires was actually an important consideration in the historical action being depicted, but the scenario designer has attached the "kindling NA" SSR as a knee-jerk impulse anyway. What does that say about his research skills?)
There should never, ever be "grudge SSR". There should only be SSR that are important and necessary for that scenario, after the designer (and playtesting) has appropriately determined the necessity. Anything else is negligence, laziness and/or arrogance. I don't want or need your opinions about how ASL "should" be played in my game.