So we got a few more turns in and this is the situation in the bottom of turn 5.
Steve is currently evaluating if he is going to concede the CG. He had a horrific turn 5, he lost one of his two OBA modules to a double red card. Then proceeded to lose somewhere around 5-6 squads, a crew and a leader in one turn. About a 1/3 of his squads are currently broken, especially on the bay side of the attack. (below photo)
He was really pushing here and some good shots and rate from my MG nests in 3C76 and 3E75, as well as flanking fire from a smaller stack in 3K75 stopped the advance. The fanatic guy in 3D76 is the only GO squad left in the attack that was progressing towards the Elena Apartments. His highlight here was grabbing the knee mortar in 3C76 and somehow finding a Japanese WP round to fire onto my kill stack at 3C76.
(above photo) In the middle and the continuing battle for the Pharmacy (that has raged for 3 days!), we have mostly kicked him out of the building, except for 3R78. A large amount of these attackers are also broken back in the 79-82 hexrows.
In the small block between the Hospital and the graveyard, I've also pushed back the attack, eliminating several guys with three identical stacks of 9-1 and 2x 4-4-8s w/LMG. I did order a general retreat back from the far flank as we try to shorten our lines back towards the graveyard since there are no VP locations to the east of the graveyard.
Steve lost two FT's today as well, one berserker ran to his doom with one near the graveyard getting KIA'd with the FT dying too and the second ran out of fuel in the Pharmacy. He is taking a few days to see if it is worth continuing. We did an unofficial count of squads and while he is obviously of a much higher quality, the Japanese outnumber the American around 175ish-75ish and he only has two tanks left, both on the bay side.
This is post rout phase, pre-American advance phase turn 5. Steve needed to take a moment for his PMC which i completely understand as I've been there more than once in our Campaign games through the years.