
May 2, 2012
Reaction score
Dear all,

The twenty-first edition of CyberVASL is now open for sign-up. If you are interested in joining this tournament, please send an email to CyberVASL {at} outlook {dot} com (please be sure that you include exactly "CyberVASL XXI" in the subject of the email), indicating your real name, email, and your code in ASL player ratings ( By doing so, you accept that I will use this information and pass it to others for the exclusive purposes of running the tournament.

All rules are below, but here is a summary:

  • Single elimination format. We keep alternating formats: Spring, single elimination. Fall: league+playoffs.
  • This edition will be limited to 32 participants, and will consequently have 5 rounds.
  • Currently, 17 participants have confirmed participation, so there are 15 free slots available.
  • The tournament will start as soon as the 32 slots are filled. In case vacancies still exist by 30th March, the tournament will start with the available players by this date.
  • All sign-ups must be done by email. Strict receiving time will determine participation in case the threshold of 32 players is reached.
  • I will give some "badges" to participating players, for achieving some targets. The purpose is only to add some spice to the tournament, with no other intention or implication.
  • Hidden information, like HIP, fortifications, etc. must be stored in delayed notes, for later verification.


  • Each round, people will be paired, and only the winner of each game will continue in the tournament.
  • Default method of play is VASL PBEM, no optional rules and VASL dicebot. Hidden information, like HIP, fortifications, etc. must be stored in delayed notes, for later verification. Other methods, rules or dice are allowed upon agreement of both players.
  • All games of a round must be completed no later than three months after the previous round finished (an additional month can be granted during northern summer). All games have to be running (i.e., both setups done, and turn 1 started) after one month from the start of the round.
  • Deadlines are NOT flexible. At the end of a round a winner must be declared. Failure to this will imply a double loss to both players. Please only sign up if you can send at least one log per day most of the time, as speed is very important when playing PBEM.
  • All pairings will be predetermined at the start of the tournament, and you will be allowed (and encouraged) to start your next round game as soon as you know who is your opponent. This will give you more time to complete the new game, as the three months period only starts once all games for the previous round are finished. I will try to regularly remind people about new games that can be started.
  • Depending on the number of players (and previous forfeits), it is possible that some players are not paired in a given round. In that case, those players will automatically advance to the next round. I will design pairings to avoid this to happen in the last rounds.
  • Pairings will be based on CyberELO ratings at the start of the tournament (computed with all past CyberVASL results). They will be designed in such a way that best players will tend to play between them only in latest rounds.
  • If you feel that you are not going to have time to complete your game in time, please resign as soon as possible, to allow your opponent to start his new round game ASAP.
  • If your game is not finished, (or the game has not started after the first month) then the player more responsible of the delay should politely declare his opponent as the winner, no matter how the game was going.
  • All results (win/lose/forfeit) can be notified by either player, either by posting here or sending an email to CyberVASL {at} outlook {dot} com. In the latter case, please be sure that you include exactly "CyberVASL XXI" in the subject of the email. Please communicate in a similar way scenario and sides chosen, as well as the moment when you effectively started to play turn 1.
  • All games (except those not started after the first month) will be reported to ASL player ratings, but only when that ranking takes PBEM games into account again.
  • In case a rules dispute appears, please consult the rulebook and the rules forum in GameSquad. Only when this doesn't clarify the answer, you can ask me for a decision. Both players should explain their point of view, with specific references to rules. In this respect, I may request advice from experienced players, who will also be responsible of deciding when the dispute affects one game in which I am playing.
  • Cheats: There is a tool capable of detecting several types of cheats in a given game, based on VASL logs. Any player can request its use for his current game, but if the tool fails to find cheating behavior, then the requesting player cannot use it neither for the rest of the tournament nor for the next one in which he participates. Detected cheating players will be immediately expulsed from all current and future CyberVASL tournaments.
Sign-up rules:

  • The sign-up period will last until 30th March at most.
  • The number of players in this tenth edition will be limited to 32. Once this limit is reached, sign-up will immediately end, and first round will start
  • 17 participants have confirmed participation, so there are 15 free slots available.
  • In case the limit is reached before 30th March, new participants will be selected exclusively by the date and time in which sign-up emails were received.
Specific suggestions for selecting scenario and sides:

  • ANY scenario can be chosen. Please take into account time availability of you and your opponent, to ensure that the scenario is small enough to be played by the deadline.
  • One of the purposes of the tournament is to encourage people to play against new opponents, in order to learn from them both in terms of rules and strategy.
  • Therefore, to encourage less experienced people to join, it is suggested that (when the players have different experience levels) the less experienced player selects 3-4 scenarios, and pass them to his opponent, who in turn selects one of them and randomize sides. In this way, less experienced players can adjust the scenario selection to their rules knowledge.
  • If both players have a similar experience level, then they can agree on any way they want.
  • To facilitate this procedure, all players will have an associated experience level (based on the CyberELO ratings seed that determined pairings), that will be communicated when the pairings are done.
  • Please have a list of your 3-4 preferred scenarios prepared in advance, to avoid unnecessary delays.
Good luck to all!


PD: List of current participants (up to 15th March):

Vic Rosso
Tom Arnold
Pablo Garcia
Sergio Puente
Mike Johnston
Maurizio Grassi
Fabio Mazzucchelli
Martin Kristensen
Jeff Howell
John Garlic
Tuomo Lukkari
Blake Ball
John Lehman
Pierce Mason
Robert Mac Ginley
Frank Kelly
Giasone De Boni


May 2, 2012
Reaction score
Time to start!

Round 1 games:

Pablo Garcia (Leader) -Frank Kelly (2nd line)
Fabio Mazzucchelli (Elite) -Giasone De Boni (2nd line)
John Lehman (1st line) -Robert Mac Ginley (2nd line)

Many players advance directly to Round 2. These are the games that can be started now:

Tom Arnold (Hero) -Martin Kristensen (1st line)
Vic Rosso (Hero) -Jeff Howell (1st line)
Sergio Puente (Leader) -Pierce Mason (1st line)
Alex Koestler (Elite) -John Garlic (1st line)
Mike Johnston (Elite) -Tuomo Lukkari (1st line)

Have fun!


May 2, 2012
Reaction score
Round 2 (forgot to post here!):

Tom Arnold (Hero) -Martin Kristensen (1st line)
Vic Rosso (Hero) -Jeff Howell (1st line)
Sergio Puente (Leader) -Pierce Mason (1st line)
Pablo Garcia (Leader) -Blake Ball (1st line)
Alex Koestler (Elite) -John Garlic (1st line)
Maurizio Grassi (Elite) -John Lehman (1st line)
Mike Johnston (Elite) -Tuomo Lukkari (1st line)
Giasone De Boni (2nd line) -Stephen Stewart (1st line)

And now, quarterfinals:

Tom Arnold (Hero) -Alex Koestler (Elite)
Jeff Howell (1st line) -Maurizio Grassi (Elite)
Sergio Puente (Leader) -Tuomo Lukkari (1st line)
Pablo Garcia (Leader) -Giasone De Boni (2nd line)